A Bad Day & Hot Chocolate

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~ A Bad Day & Hot Chocolate ~

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"Ms. Winters," Mr. Fredrick called when class was over. "A moment, please."

What did I do this time? I resisted sighing and trudged up to him as the rest of the students fled for their lives. I had a bad morning, so I anticipated more of the same throughout the day. Since I misplaced my math homework and took ages to find it, I skipped breakfast because I was late for school.

"Mr. F, Sir!" I saluted. I was having a bad day, but I could still be cheeky.

"At ease, Ms. Winters." He leaned back in his chair, smiling. I entertained the idea of how comfortable that chair would be if I sat in it. Teachers get all the perks. "How are your lessons with Mr. Black going?"

"Surprisingly well, actually."

"I had a feeling you two would hit it off." I would have suspected an underlying meaning to that if he wasn't my teacher. "I'm sure he's preparing you well for the upcoming test. Which, by the way, will be in three weeks."

"What? Three weeks!?" I didn't think it would be so soon. It seemed like long enough to prepare, but I knew it wouldn't be for me. All Wes and I had gone over so far were the basics. If the test was nearly as hard as I heard it was, I didn't stand a chance.

"Yes, Reyna. I believe that is plenty of time to learn what you need to know. You’re a lot smarter than you think, and once you understand chemistry, there will be no stopping you.”

“From taking over the world? I don’t have such extravagant goals, Mr. F,” I joked. “Too much work.”

“Have faith in yourself,” he pressed. “And have faith in Mr. Black."

I slouched my shoulders and muttered, "Yes, Mr. Fredrick. Whatever you say, Mr. Fredrick."

"That's more like it.”

"See you later, Mr. F!" I shouted suddenly with false joy to startle him. He jolted in his seat and scowled at me as I hurried out of the classroom. I not only got the last word in, but scaring him was sweet revenge for making my day worse.

"Hey, stranger." Ferra was waiting for me outside of the classroom. We didn't see much of each other because she was busy with late rehearsals and I had to focus on studying.

"Hey, Fere," I grumbled, lacking her enthusiasm.

"What's wrong?"

I dragged my feet as we made our way to our next class. "I just found out the test is in three weeks."

"Ouch. That sucks." She wrapped her arm around me in a sympathetic gesture.

"Understatement of the century. I guess that means I'll have to buckle down and study more. It'll be difficult talking Wes into it though," I said dryly.

"Why do you say that?"

"He only agreed to lunchtime and an hour or two after school. And you know how hard it was to get him to agree to just that, but more time? I doubt he'll do it."

Ferra tilted her head, "I thought you guys were friends now."

"Not really?” I wrinkled my nose and shrugged, “It's complicated."

She stopped and turned to me. "Are you still going to have time in your busy schedule of learning to come to the recital on Saturday?"

I was puzzled by the change of subject. "Yes," I drawled out.

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