Dog Food & Chicken Soup

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~ Dog Food & Chicken Soup ~

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After an eventful weekend, I was almost glad to be back at school on Monday. I had mixed feelings about seeing Wesley though. Part of me was downright giddy about seeing him, while the other part of me was nervous and dreading it. It didn't have anything to do with studying, which used to be the reason for dragging my feet. 

It was because Ferra's words were getting underneath my skin, including her indication that he and I shared an indirect kiss. I could have argued how juvenile that was, but I couldn’t deny the fluttering in my stomach.

"Wes?" I called halfheartedly when I stepped into The Lair. It was lunchtime now, and he wasn't around before school either.

I frowned, looking for a sign that he had been there at some point during the morning. Nothing was out of place or disorganized, like it always was immediately after I finished cleaning and left him alone. It never took Wesley long to make it a mess again.

I waited for him until the lunch period was over and even texted him a couple of times. I gave up when I heard the warning bell and rushed to class.

When school was over, I checked one more time for Wes, but The Lair was quiet, dark, and unchanged. I was officially worried. I couldn't understand why he didn't answer his phone or reply to my messages. 

There was only one more place I could think of to find out what happened to him, short of going to his house. And that was why I was marching into the principal's office.

"I'm so sorry. I should've knocked first," I blurted the very second I barged into the room. I wasn't interrupting anything, but I did manage to startle her.

Laura laughed, picking up the pen she dropped. "It's okay, Reyna. Is everything alright?"

I nodded, sitting down in front of her. "Did something happen to Wesley?"

She looked confused for a second before understanding crossed her features. "I thought he would have contacted you. Wesley stayed home today because he woke up with an awful cold this morning."

"Oh." I felt a small pang in my chest. It hurt more than it should have that he didn't tell me. 

"Other than me, he's not used to having anyone else to worry over him. He also doesn't like to make a fuss," she explained to me, playfully rolling her eyes.

"I understand." I tried to smile, standing up to leave before she could see through me.

"Actually," she opened a drawer in the oak desk and pulled out some cash, "could you do me a favor?"

I hesitated, skeptical of what the favor could be and if I even wanted to do it. I knew it had to involve Wesley. "Sure?"

"I have a faculty meeting to go to in a few minutes and it could go on forever. Would you be willing to run to the store to pick up some medicine for Wesley? He took the last of it this morning and I don't want him suffering any longer than he already has," she sounded worried about her son.

I can totally say no.

"Please," Laura pleaded.

There was no way I could turn her down.

"Yes, of course." I smiled reassuringly while the figurative devil on my shoulder stomped her foot. She was the petty one. Let him suffer!

"Thank you so much!" She scribbled on a blank piece of paper. "This is the medicine he needs. And maybe you could get him a can of chicken soup or something?" She asked, handing me the list.

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