The Sammy Tower & A Science Museum

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~ The Sammy Tower & A Science Museum ~

~( s )( s )( s )~

The one dilemma that had plagued us all at least once in our lives. Some may laugh, thinking it to be insignificant when it was quite the opposite. The dilemma was known to cause a state of panic, followed by frustration. And it ultimately resulted in a messy room.

I have no idea what to wear.

My room was full of wreckage from the tornado of clothes I created in search of an outfit for my date with Wesley. I woke up four hours early to get ready and an hour had already gone by with nothing to show for it. I didn't even know where we were going or what we were going to do. With a defeated sigh, I gave up trying to guess and sent him a text to find out.

Where R we going 2day, Blk?

Not long and my phone buzzed with a reply.

Good morning to you too, Kitty. Wearing those pjs again?

I sent an angry emoticon. Another message from him popped up on the screen.

It's a secret.

Scowling at Wesley's response to my question, I decided to call and convince him to tell me. He didn't pick up until the fourth ring.

"Hello?" His voice was hoarse and groggy from sleep.

I glanced at the clock on my wall. The hands indicated that the time was 9:57. I would be sleeping in too if I could relax and knew what to wear.

"I'm sorry. Did I wake you?"

That must have been why he didn't answer his phone right away. I was the same way when someone called me while I was trying to sleep. The thought process was, 'If I ignore it, maybe it will go away,' and I knew it well. Unfortunately, it didn't always work if the other party was persistent. And I just so happened to be the persistent party.

"I'm not telling you where we're going, Reyna." The husky, deep tone he used when he said my name made my knees weak. I had to sit down on my mountain of clothes.

"Come on, Wes. Please?" When he didn't say anything, I admitted, "I need to know what to wear!"

"You could always wear those adorable pajamas," he teased.

"You're never going to let that go, are you?"

"Not for as long as I live. Now, I have another half hour until my alarm goes off. Goodbye, Reyna."

"Hey, wai-"

The call ended.

I groaned and ran my fingers through my hair. He was going to pay for that entire conversation. I should wear baggy sweats, I entertained the idea as I speed-dialed Ferra's number.

~ ( s ) ~

"Your hero has arrived!"

Ferra marched into my room, making a grand entrance that could be heard throughout the house. My mom left early to run some errands, but Ian was still asleep. I had hoped he would stay that way, but hearing Ferra's voice worked better in waking him up than any amount of ice water or blaring alarms. I found it amusing, but Ferra didn't know she had that effect on him. She closed the door and faced me, her helpless friend amongst a pile of clothes.

"Save me, Fere." I stretched my arms out so she could help me up.

"I have exactly two hours to help you get ready and deflect your brother, if need be. I have to get home to babysit Meg, and you," she tapped my nose, "have a date to go on."

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