Rusty Nail Lemon & Electricity

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~ Rusty Nail Lemon & Electricity ~

~ ( s ) ( s ) ( s ) ~

Don't be late.

It was all that was written on the note. I didn't recognize the handwriting, but I knew without a doubt that it was from Wesley. The small piece of paper fell out when I opened my locker earlier in the day. 

I was reluctant when I tapped on the door. While being grateful for another chance, I felt bad about what happened and even a little self-conscious to face him again. I couldn't look him in the eye when he let me inside. I stood in the room awkwardly while he closed the door and locked it. 

Something is off, but I can't tell what it is, I swallowed, suddenly feeling anxious. I had an ominous feeling.

"I'm going to need your help with this experiment, Reyna." Wesley's voice startled me. He said it from right behind me before he continued on towards the table.

Chills ran down my spine. Am I just paranoid or is he being exceptionally creepy right now?

"Okay," my voice shook a bit. The chills ran back up my spine when he turned around and grinned. It was a mad scientist type of grin. I legitimately considered making a run for it and never stepping foot in the lab again.

I hate it when I go against my better judgment, I thought remorsefully as I sat down on the cold stool. I was as stiff as a dead person, which wasn't the best analogy in the current situation. My eyes wandered to the table where Wesley was setting something up. 

There was a really weird contraption with a metal orb about the size of a softball. It was on a transparent tube with a strap of material inside of it. And across from the large orb, on the same thingamajig, was a thin metal rod with a silver sphere about the size of a golf ball on top of it. It looked like something out of a sci-fi movie. It was set up beside me, so I had to peek around it to see what he was doing. Though I was almost too frightened to find out.

He was rolling a lemon on the table, near two nails and a small light bulb with two wires poking out of it. What the hell is the lemon for, I wondered, watching him warily. He stopped softening the citrus and glanced up at me with a smirk as he stabbed the two nails halfway into the lemon about an inch apart.

Oh my god, he's gonna kill me with a lemon! A rusty nail lemon!

Wesley placed the citrus back onto the table and picked up the light bulb. He wrapped one of the wires to a nail.

"Now!" I jumped out of my skin when he spoke. "I need you to touch that sphere," he pointed to one of metal orbs on the thingamajig, "at just the right moment, or this won't work. Come here."

I didn't move an inch.


I hesitantly rose from my seat and took a step closer to him.

"Okay. When I touch this wire to this nail, you have to touch that at the same exact time. I'm going to count down from three."

Oh, no. Countdowns are bad. Very, very bad.


Please no.


I'm too young to die!


I touched the sphere and felt a small jolt of electricity on contact and, at the same moment, the light bulb flashed on. The shock wasn't too bad, but something told me it was unnecessary. I had just been too busy thinking I was going to die to realize it.

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