Bracelet Bouquets & A Reputation

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~ Bracelet Bouquets & A Reputation ~

~ ( s ) ( s ) ( s ) ~

My dress was on, my hair was done and my shoes were strapped. Ferra came over and volunteered to do my hair. The shade of the red material brought out more of a pink color in my deep red locks and Ferra styled them in loose curls with tiny flecks of rainbow glitter.

Since Ferra left to get ready in the bathroom, I made the final touch by doing simple cat eyes with black eyeliner and mascara. There was a knock at my door as I gave myself a last check in the mirror.

"Come in!"

My mom poked her head into the room before stepping in and sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Sweetheart, you look amazing!"

"Thank you," I said, playing with the hem of the dress and doing a twirl.

"If that little merde," she stopped and corrected herself, "turd, is there and sees you, he's going to regret ever breaking my baby's heart."

I laughed, moving over to sit beside her. "I doubt that, but it's a nice thought."

She sighed and wrapped her arm around me. "Boys are stupid and they don't always get better with age. Just look at your brother." She chuckled warmly. "I just came in to get a sneak peek and give you a bit of a pep talk in case it was needed."

I rested my head on her shoulder, no doubt making it as sparkly as my hair. "Thank you, mom. I think I needed it."

"Anytime, sweetie. Now, your date is waiting and he's getting antsy."

"More antsy to see Ferra, I'm sure," I muttered, standing up with her.

"You think so too, huh?"

I gaped at her and she just winked, walking out ahead of me. Ian was waiting for us in the living room.

"You look beautiful, Reyns," my brother said as I approached him.

I felt a dull pain in my chest for the fleeting second my thoughts betrayed me. I wish it was somebody else saying that to me tonight. "You don't look so bad yourself," I returned.

He wore a charcoal grey suit with a red shirt to match my dress. The print on his neck tie was my favorite candy. I had no idea how or where he found a tie like that, but I wanted to steal it. He shined his black dress shoes. And he even put in an effort to style his hair by spiking it up.

He retrieved a plastic box from the coffee table and carefully removed a corsage to tie around my wrist. It was made up of colorful, bright flowers with a red ribbon.

I smelled the flowers and thanked him. Then I added, "You didn't have to go all out like this, Ian."

"Yes, I did. Why do you think I've been spending so much time with you?"

I gave him a teasing look. "I have one or two ideas."

He feigned exasperation with a heavy sigh, then he shook his head lightly and smiled. "Because you're my sister. You deserve the best and to be happy. If I have to smother my face in guacamole and watch a few chick flicks to make you smile, then I'm going to do it. That includes buying you an overpriced bracelet bouquet."

I groaned, wrapping my arms around him. "You big, lovable idiot."

"Please not another group hug!"

Ian and I broke apart when we heard Ferra's voice. Our focus was on her as she made a grand entrance from the hallway. She was finally revealing her ensemble for the evening.

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