Serotonin & Two Percent Milk

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~ Serotonin & Two Percent Milk ~

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The surprise briefly flashed across his features, while my shock lasted much longer. I glanced behind me in the direction where Wes disappeared to, unsure about what to do next. Turning back to Wesley's dad, I pulled the door open wider to let him inside.

"Hey," I said with a dumb smile and even dumber wave. Recalling our last encounter, I didn't know how to act towards him.

"Hello," he responded as he stepped into the house.

From the other room, Ian shouted something about cheating. I assumed Ferra was distracting him with the video game.

"I have something for my son." Mr. Black held up a small gift bag. He threw a look towards the noise, "I hope I'm not interrupting."

"No! Not at all. We're, hanging out." I gnawed on my lip, wondering if I should lead him into the living room where Ian was cursing and Ferra was laughing at him. Wesley needed to hurry up with that imaginary Bunsen burner and come back downstairs.

"I see." He seemed uncomfortable too as he cleared his throat. "I also wanted to apologize to you, when the opportunity presented itself."

That had me doing a double take. "A-apologize?"

"Yes." He looked down and nudged his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

It was a habit similar to Wesley's when he was nervous. The difference was that Wes did it at the corners of his glasses and his dad adjusted them from the center. I wondered if they knew how much they were alike in a good way. The small characteristics that connected them as a father and son.

"I am sorry for the way I treated you," he said with sincerity. "There was no excuse for my behavior."

Blinking out of my stupor, I smiled at him, "I'm sorry too. I was way out of line."

He shook his head. "No, you said exactly what I needed to hear."

My brows furrowed in confusion. I was going to ask what he meant, but I heard footsteps descending the stairs.

"Dad? What are you doing here?" Wesley sounded surprised, but not upset to see him.

"This is for you," his dad said, giving him the bag. "I'm just dropping it off."

Wesley grasped the bottom of the bag and, as he reached into it, he asked, “What’s the occasion?”

His simple answer was, “I thought of you when I saw it.”

A grin lit up Wesley’s features when he pulled out a molecule keychain. "Thank you."

His dad did something I didn't think he was capable of doing since meeting him. The corners of his mouth rose up just enough to be considered a soft smile. Just beneath the surface, there was genuine delight that Wesley liked his gift.

I angled myself closer to see the keychain.

Mr. Black began to explain to me, "It symbolizes happiness. It's the molecule for—"

"Serotonin," I finished for him. I looked up when they were quiet and discovered them staring at me. "What?"

Wesley's eyes twinkled, showing how proud of me he was, or of himself for thinking he taught me everything I knew. I counted only one second before his arrogant smirk appeared.

Is it so shocking that I know the molecule? It probably was considering the fact that I was failing Chemistry not long ago. It wasn't on the test, but Wesley's stupid kissing chemicals piqued my interest. I learned all about them and then some, including serotonin.

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