Spring Dancing & Truth Telling

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~ Spring Dancing & Truth Telling ~

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Ian's dancing was bad. Hilariously so. He seemed to think it was a good idea to have a dance off with Richie. I warned him about how good his opponent was, but Ian didn't seem to care. Richie's moves were flawless, while Ian's weren't completely terrible...

Until he got too into it and started tripping over his own feet. He surrendered after stumbling into a few innocent bystanders, one of which happened to bump into another person. Then it kind of had a domino effect, leading to someone spilling their punch all over a chaperone. If he was a teacher who didn't hate my brother for the cottage cheese prank, he certainly hated him now.

Ferra and I watched the boys from a safe distance. We could not stop laughing at the expense of my precious brother. After a backflip and a bow when he was applauded for his easy victory, Richie joined us while Ian apologized to the teacher.

"The guy can really cut a rug," Richie commented.

"He does more than that," Ferra said.

I finished, "He slaughters it."

Ian asked what was so funny when the three of us continued to laugh. Instead of sharing the joke, I dragged him over to get a drink. We all needed a break after that entertaining show.

The rest of the night was filled with dancing. Ian and I slow danced to a few songs and he only stepped on my feet three times. Richie danced with me once while our dates sat across the table from each other awkwardly waiting for us to be done.

Most of our enjoyment came from the four of us dancing together when the faster music played through the large speakers. We were even able to get a circle formed, which got much wider when it was Ian's turn in the center.

When another slow song eventually began, Ian and I decided to sit it out. Ferra and Richie stayed out on the floor because it was  a favorite song of hers. Ian watched as they swayed back and forth. He sat down with two cups of water, but he could not take his eyes off of them.

I couldn't dance with the only person I wanted to be with, but there was no reason why my brother couldn't do it. I owed it to both of them after everything they had done for me.

"Ian," he glanced at me and I motioned to the dancing duo. "Go."

He exhaled a short laugh. "Yeah right, Reyns. You and your feet can attest to the fact that I can't dance."

The DJ announced that the last song of the night was next. It was his last chance.

"Does it matter? Neither of us have the best dancing skills, but we’ve been doing it all night," I pushed. "You are Ian Winters. It is one dance. Be a man, get your ass out there, and steal the girl. Or I swear I wi—" I stopped when he abruptly stood up.

His expression was so determined as he marched over to them, I half-expected him to shove Richie away, dip Ferra, and kiss her right then and there. Instead, he tapped on Richie's shoulder, presumably asking to cut in as he turned to Ferra. Richie nodded his head with a grin, then came over to sit by me.

"I wondered when he was going to ask her," was the first thing he said.

"Wow, does everyone but the two of them know?" I asked, utterly shocked.

"I lied earlier," he replied, revealing his dimples. "Ferra does talk about him. Not often, but she brings him up when something random reminds her of him. That made it pretty obvious to me."

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