The Princess & The Pantry

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~ The Princess & The Pantry ~

~ ( s ) ( s ) ( s ) ~

With my direction and his speed demon status, Wesley and I made it to Ferra's house in record time. I only spoke when I had to tell him what turns to make in order to get there. I was too worried about Fere and her parents, who were like family to me. When we came to a stop along the curb, I jumped out of the car and ran to the front door just as Ferra opened it.

"Reyna!" She was in tears as she clung onto me.

My own eyes watered and I asked what happened, rubbing Ferra’s back to console her. I heard Wes come up behind me as Ian stepped out of the house.

"The Chandlers were in a car accident," Ian explained to us softly. "They're okay, but they have some minor injuries. We won't know the specifics until we get to the hospital." He glanced at Ferra, "She's in no condition to drive, so I'm going to take her there."

Ferra sniffed, then reluctantly released me. "Meg doesn't know yet. I don't want her to worry. Would you be willing to watch her for a while?"

"Of course." The words I was going to say came out of Wesley's mouth.

She smiled at him gratefully, wiping some of her tears away. "I'm sorry I'm such a mess!" She rolled her eyes and groaned, "I'm stupid, crying so much when they're both alive and safe."

If she weren't in such a bad state, she would have gotten a swift head smack from me. I settled with pulling her close and banging my forehead against hers. "You are not stupid, Fere. Now get out of here," I gave her a reassuring smile. "Tell them I said to never scare us like that again."

She breathed a short laugh and nodded. I could see her already calming down. Ian wrapped his arm around her shoulders and gave her arm a squeeze. She looked up at him and he swept a stray lock of hair behind her ear with a reassuring smile, then he guided her to his truck.

"Take good care of her," I called out to my brother as he started the engine.

"Always," he shouted, backing carefully out onto the street.

I turned the boy who I was supposed to be on a date with today. "Wes."

"Don't even think about it," he said, already knowing what I was going to say. "No apologies. No insisting that I leave." He brushed my cheek with his thumb to catch a stray tear. "And no crying."

"Fine, but be prepared," I said, accepting the hug he pulled me into before we moved into the house. I knew it was a battle I would not win; he wasn't leaving, and I was glad to have his company.

"For what?"

I grinned. "To fall in love."

He tilted his head with a questioning smile curving his lips. We were interrupted before he could ask what I meant.

A loud squeal came from the top of the stairs and, in an instant, there was a little girl bolting down the steps. With a leap, she wrapped her arms around my thigh.

"Reyny Day!"

"Hey, Sunshine!" I ruffled Megan's hair, waiting for her to notice Wes. She hid behind me when she spotted him. "Meg, this is Wesley."

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