Ian's Maturity & Zombie Emojis

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~ Ian's Maturity & Zombie Emojis ~

~ ( s ) ( s ) ( s ) ~

During class, my phone vibrated with a text notification. I discreetly checked it and saw the message was from Wesley. He said he had plans after school and asked if we could just have a longer study session tomorrow.

K (get it? K?), but only if my brain can take it.

I'm sure it can. Eat more brain food, he sent. I could easily picture him rolling his eyes at my potassium joke.

U sound lk a zombie...

And you can't spell... He responded.

I spk teh way of teh txt. U shd try eet. I grinned as I typed and sent it.

I regrettably decline. I prefer to maintain my intelligence.

I scoffed at the text I received. I was going to reply, but my phone vibrated again.

>_o,o_< Must. Eat. Brain.

Another message popped up.


I cackled at Wesley's response, forgetting that I was in the middle of class. I froze when a shadow appeared over my desk. There was an audible gulp as I glanced up at Mr. Fredrick. He took the phone from me and scrolled up to the beginning of the conversation. The mortification was real. I was thankful that he wasn't the kind of teacher who reads it out loud, but sometimes he did confiscate the phones. Usually when the conversations were highly inappropriate.

"Interesting," Mr. F commented with a raised brow as he reached the end. He put my phone on the desk and addressed the class. "I hope none of you have kinemortophobia. Because there are zombies amongst us." He cast me a grin then went back to the front of the classroom.

With a grateful smile, I put my phone back into my pocket and continued taking notes, quickly writing down what I missed on the board so I could catch up to what he was saying. Wesley was turning me into a monster.

~ ( s ) ~

I finally had a day to do whatever I wanted with no intense studying involved. So I went to my partner in crime to see if she wanted to hang out. 

During our shared free period in the library, I asked Ferra with hopeful eyes, "Are you free later?"

"Of course you would be off the hook today," Ferra grumbled. "I have to babysit Megan and my cousin."

"You aren't just saying that to be with Richie instead of me, right?" I was only joking because there was no reason for her to lie about it.

"Of course not, Skit. My parents are going out with my aunt and uncle for a childless evening." I smirked when she said 'childless evening' with a mocking nasal tone. "Besides, Richie and I haven't gone out since that night with you and Wesley," she finished quietly.

"Why is that?"

"I don't know! We like each other, but it's just," she sighed, "I don't know."

Should I? I probably shouldn't, but I'm going to anyway. "Have you noticed anything about Richie?"

"What do you mean?" She went back to doodling in her notebook.

"Well," I twirled a lock of my hair, "he kind of resembles..." Ian. "Someone."

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