Cloud Nine & Chemical Burns

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~ Cloud Nine & Chemical Burns ~

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I felt like nothing could bring me down. Those were always the last words before cloud nine went poof, letting one fall to their figurative death. Although a week went by since our first date, I was still happily perched on my cloud. Most of our days were spent studying since my own personal Doomsday was fast approaching, but there were still moments in between that kept me afloat.

Throughout the week, I noticed other students giving me strange looks and whispering to each other as I passed them. I didn't pay any mind to it, until it was almost everyone in the halls. Certain ones shook their heads, while some were snickering. Then there were a few who smiled at me like they were in on some kind of a secret.

I didn't typically stand out in school and I wasn't known for anything. Except for the unfortunate situations I caused in chemistry class, but there hadn't been any of those recently. I couldn’t think of any reason why I was suddenly so interesting.

What is their problem? I wondered as I made my way down the hall.

"Is it true?" A guy that I vaguely recognized from one of my classes approached me. He always sat in the back, throwing notes and spitballs with his friends. His baggy jeans hung too low on his hips, showing the waistband of his white briefs. The sight was enough to make me regret eating breakfast.

"Is what true?" I asked.

"That you're going out with The White Coat Freak? I mean, did he like, give you chemicals that made you insane? Or maybe some type of love potion? Maybe he could hook me up." He nudged my arm with his elbow like we were buddies.

I gaped while my IQ dropped just from breathing the same air as the idiot walking beside me. "No, I'm not going out with The White Coat Freak."

"That's not what everyone is saying, babe. The word is out about your little boyfriend," he grinned, moving in front of me.

"My boyfriend is Wesley Black and he is not a freak," I blurted. "That's your department. Now kindly get out of my face." I shoved past him.

Everyone knew about us and I just unintentionally verified it. The words fell out of my mouth, but I was glad in a way. I only hoped Wes was okay with it. Why wouldn't he be? I asked myself. He wanted to keep our association with each other under the radar, but things had changed between us since then. We changed, and that would surely be enough no matter his reasons.

I suddenly had a bad feeling that my cloud was beginning to evaporate, but I took comfort in knowing that Wesley would be there to catch me if it did disappear.

Ferra wrapped her arm around my shoulder, startling me from my thoughts. She muttered, "The monkeys are starting to throw crap."

"So I've noticed," I responded, glancing at the monkeys.

We were early to class, so Ferra scooted closer to me when we sat down. "With extensive research, I was able to find out who blabbed about you two lovebirds."

I began gnawing on my pencil, anxious to find out who did it. "Who?"

"Zach saw you and Wesley outside of my house. He's claiming he saw you two making out."

Zach Jameson was a Pop at our school. More like The Pop. He was the star quarterback, lady killer, all-that-and-a-bag-of-chips kind of guy. He hit on every girl in school, including me and Ferra on occasion. He had the athletic look that most girls would swoon over, but he also had about as much depth as a fishbowl. And his personality could be likened to what's found at the bottom of that bowl.

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