Overnight Shipping & A Secret Dance

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~ Overnight Shipping & A Secret Dance ~

~ ( s ) ( s ) ( s ) ~

"What's his name and can I kill him?"

Ian was stretched out on the loveseat, his feet hanging off of the arm. He knew I was too dressed up to stay in or go to Ferra's place. I swore he had a radar that told him whenever I was even remotely involved with a boy. Which was rare and usually had to do with a project for school or hanging out in a group. Strictly platonic, like me and Wesley tonight.

"Who says there's a he?"

"Come on, you're obviously dressed for a hot date," he observed.

"I am not!" I exclaimed defensively, looking at my clothes. Skinny jeans with a dressy top, paired with flats instead of my usual neon sneakers, and a little extra makeup did not mean it was a hot date. Although my date is hot, but the date with him isn't really a date. 

I prepared in advance for Ian's intuition by telling Wes to just honk his horn when he arrived. Otherwise, he would be pestered by my brother and we would end up missing the recital.

As a precaution, I pointed my finger at Ian in warning, "And don't you dare threaten the person picking me up or embarrass me in front of said person."

"Ah ha! You admit there's a guy picking you up." Ian sat up straight and gave me a stern look. "Reyna, men only have one thing on their minds," he started, but I did not give him a chance to finish. 

Covering his mouth didn't stop him from trying to say the rest of his enlightening speech with a muffled voice. My laughter only lasted until he licked my hand so I would release him. 

"You're disgusting," I muttered, wiping his slobber off onto his shirt. He was worse than Ferra when she did the same thing to me because he always made sure there was plenty of spit before he did it.

"I'm a guy and your brother, it's my job to be protective and disgusting. Not necessarily in that order. Also, they can be combined at any given time without notice."

I was about to speak when the doorbell rang, as if on cue, causing our heads to snap in the direction of the front door. Damn it, Wes. You just couldn't listen to me!

We slowly turned back to each other, watching and waiting to see who would make the first move. Within a split second, we were both racing to the door. I tried to yell and warn Wesley to go to the car and lock himself in, but he must not have heard me because the doorbell rang again. 

Due to his socks, Ian slid on the hardwood floor when we rounded the corner, which led to him missing precious moments and allowed me to catch up. We made pathetic attempts to trip or knock the other down. I succeeded in the latter, but then I made the mistake of doing a victory dance on my way to rescue Wesley.

Ian recovered too quickly and leaped towards the door, gripping the knob and flashing me a victorious grin. I had to witness him putting on his best Intimidating Brother face, then he stood taller and puffed out his chest like a rooster showing his superiority. I rolled my eyes as he opened the door.


I groaned with a facepalm when I realized that he deepened the tone of his voice too.

"Hi?" Wes gave him a confused look, unimpressed by his display of masculinity. His hazel eyes shifted to me and I could see the question in them. 'Who is this pathetic guy?'

The pathetic part was my own interpretation. I conveyed an obvious 'I told you so' with my lips. Maybe next time he would actually listen to me.

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