Rest & No Relaxation, Just Awkward

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~ Rest & No Relaxation, Just Awkward ~

~ ( s ) ( s ) ( s ) ~

Luckily, it was a short trip to Wesley's house. I didn't know how much longer I would have lasted with the speed he was driving and the sharp turns he took at every corner.

"I had no idea my car was capable of that," I said before breathing a deep sigh in relief, happy the ride was over. "Much less surviving through it."

Wesley's chuckle was warm-maybe even a little embarrassed-as he pushed his glasses up slightly with the tip of his finger. "Sorry if I scared you. I'm not used to having others in the car with me."

We climbed out together and when he came around to my side, I said, "To be honest, I wouldn't have ever pegged you as a crazy driver."

"Who's judging now?" He playfully nudged me with his elbow as we walked.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," I mumbled, looking down at my feet. Then when I glanced up, I noticed the house for the first time since we pulled over in front of it.

The two story gray house was nice, though it didn't stand out against the other houses lining the street. Instead it was the yard that caught my attention and had me stopping to admire it. Because it was nearly springtime, flowers were just beginning to sprout, some even blooming early. The grass was bright green and freshly cut.

A stone path led to the house, and a bird bath with clear water was positioned on the left side of the yard. Small lanterns were placed along the sides of the path. It was still daylight, so they weren't on yet, but I could imagine how gorgeous the area would be at night.

"You coming?" Wes was already on the porch.

"It's beautiful."

"What?" He asked when I joined him on the front step.

"The yard. I'm surprised the shrubs aren't sculptures."

With a quiet chuckle, he held the door open for me. "My mom likes to garden, but she's not an artist."

"Hey," I scolded. "That yard is a work of art."

Wes looked out to the yard like he was contemplating my words, either trying to see it through my eyes or just appreciating it's beauty for the first time.

"I guess I never really thought of it like that," he smiled softly before following me into his house.

He led me to the living room where the colors were a striking palette of white, black, and bright violet. It had a very modern feel to it. The carpet was plush and black, except for a violet rug in the center of the room with a glass coffee table over it. The couch was also black with white and violet pillows spread out across it. Two white recliners were on either side of the couch. The flat screen was mounted on the wall and the rest of the electronics were on black shelves below it. Sheer violet curtains were pulled back to expose the yard and welcome the light.

Wes pointed to the couch, "Make yourself at home and I'll be right back."

He walked up the stairs to the right of where I was standing. I sat on the couch, slipped out of my shoes, and stretched my legs out on the cushions. Another wave of drowsiness hit me when I rested my head on the pillow.

In four seconds flat, I fell asleep.

~ ( s ) ~

The smell of hot tea tickled my nose and I blinked a few times as my eyes adjusted to the light. I didn't know how long I was sleeping, but it felt as if it had been a while. I sat up and stopped mid-stretch when I saw two steaming mugs of tea on the coffee table, along with some chocolate chip cookies.

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