Brain Food & As(s)tatine

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~ Brain Food & As(s)tatine ~

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"What's K again?"


"What's potassium again?" I knew what it was, even if I couldn't remember the symbol for it. I just wanted to annoy him. I needed some form of entertainment to keep my sanity while studying.

"It's what bananas are made out of," he muttered sarcastically, rolling his eyes. He sounded exasperated that I would ask such absurd questions. "And if you ask me what bananas are..."

"Of course I know what they are! Banana berry is a tropical flavor, you know," I replied with a grin, referring to my favorite candy. He must have caught on to what I was doing because he elbowed my arm roughly. I giggled, returning my attention to the page I had been on for twenty minutes.

Wesley and I came to his house after school and spent three hours studying. There were multiple books set out on the kitchen island. He was teaching me more complicated things than what I was learning the past week. I was starting to understand some of it, but my head was on the verge of overloading.

"Okay." Wes closed my book and pushed it away. "Quiz time." He ignored my protests and threw me a question. "What are the Halogen Elements on The Periodic Table?"

It was the fifth quiz. Wesley wanted me to memorize The Periodic Table of Elements. He claimed it was easy compared to everything else I was learning. Lies. I sighed and took a drink of the cold milk he had gotten for me. He said that it would help me think, but I had yet to see results.

"Chlorine, iodine," I paused. "Fluorine?"

"Two more," he said expectantly.

"Can I have a hint?"


I turned to him with big eyes and a pout. I could tell he was close to giving in, so I whimpered, "Pwease?"

Wesley groaned, shutting his eyes in defeat. "What is Ian to you?"

That's a hint? "My brother," I said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Oh! I know this one! Bromine."

"Good. Next is," he pondered and a smile tugged at his lips. "What derogatory term do you always call me?"

"Ass, jerkface, idiot, the Black Death," I stopped with a wince. "I haven't called you that last one to your face, have I?"

"No, I don't think so," he smirked at my slip-up. "The first one."

I repeated it under my breath, then gasped. "Astatine!"

Wes reeled back because I accidentally shouted in his ear. He settled back into his position and shook his head. "Now name them all by their symbols."

I slouched. How can I find this tyrant cute?! "Come on! You can't expect me to remember all of those," I quit whining when he frowned at me. I gave it my best shot and got three out of five wrong.

"Try again."

I got four correct the second time. Then my stomach grumbled and I heaved a sigh, "Can we please take a break?"

Wes heard the beast loud and clear. He snorted, "Alright. We can get some food."

"Did I hear the mention of food?" Wesley's mom came into the kitchen. "Would you like to stay for dinner, Reyna? I was thinking about having some Chinese food delivered because it's getting so late."

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