His Lab Rat & Sour Fruit

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~ His Lab Rat & Sour Fruit ~

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"How was your weekend?" Wesley asked when he let me into The Lair.

One of the many important things Ferra and I pondered was what to call the place where I would be spending most of my time. Storage Room wasn’t appropriate and Lab wasn't creative enough, so we agreed on The Lair. In my opinion, it was very fitting after Wesley's mad scientist moment with the lemon.

"Great! I spent most of it hanging out with my friend. How was yours?"

"It was good." He sat on the couch and moved his lunch over so I could sit down with him.

The whole casual conversation thing was new between us, so we had to get used to it. I pushed him to go on, "What did you do?"

"Stuff I usually do on weekends."

"And what's that? What does Wes like to do for fun?" I poked his arm playfully, and almost chipped my nail polish. Other than working out, I noted.

He glanced at his arm where I touched him then replied blandly, "I don't know, chemistry?"

"There must be something else. What do you do on the weekends when you're at home? Unless you have an underground lab or something." The giggle at such a ridiculous idea died on my lips after I saw his serious expression. There was a long pause before I said under my breath, "You have got to be kidding me."

"I am," he smirked. I started to smile, but he added, "It's not underground."

I gaped at him.

"I'm joking, Reyna. I'm not that bad.”

It was a relief knowing he wasn't completely crazy. I opened the bag of candy I packed with my food. "Want some?"

He shook his head. "You seem to eat those a lot."

"An excellent observation. Women like a man who's observant."

He smiled to himself, then at me, once again catching me speaking without any thought.

"I didn't mean- you know." Whatever connects my brain to my mouth must be malfunctioning or nonexistent.

"It's not very healthy."

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Candy is bad for you," Wesley stated firmly.

"Your words are blasphemous! Take them back!" I held the red bag close to my heart. "Any candy made with real fruit juice is healthy."

"If you want to call all of that sugar healthy..."

"That's a matter of opinion," I muttered, pouting as I ate a few.

Wesley pried the bag from my hand, inadvertently brushing my fingers as he pulled it away. He seemed to be looking at the flavors before he glanced up at me, only then did he give it back with an I'm-plotting-something grin.

I eyed him suspiciously, but Wes ignored me and handed me an open book. He instructed me to read the first few paragraphs on the page and let him know if I had any questions. Then he went back to reading his book while he ate his lunch. 

Once I had my meal unpacked, I grazed as I read the gibberish assigned to me. I asked Wesley a couple of questions, taking notes of his answers so I could remember the information. I got through three pages before the bell rang, signaling that lunch was over.

"See you after school?"

"I'll be here," he replied.

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