Giggle Fits & Stupid Sticks

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~ Giggle Fits & Stupid Sticks ~

~ ( s ) ( s ) ( s ) ~

My mom and I spent Tuesday evening together in front of the television. Ian was off somewhere, probably on a date or at work. He had a part-time job to help support our mom, but she insisted he put it all towards college. There was peace and quiet without him around, so we were enjoying ourselves until my mom decided to bring up the dreaded subject of Wesley.

"Are you learning much from your tutor, Reyna?" She asked me while blindly reaching for a handful of popcorn. Neither of us took our eyes off the screen, but I knew the scene unfolding wasn't enough to avoid answering her.

That violence is definitely the answer? Some nerds are actually sexy jerks in disguise? Fruit can electrocute you? "Oh, yeah. Tons of stuff," I gave her a simple response.

"I think we should have him over for dinner sometime. I would like to meet that young man."

"No!" I nearly choked on a kernel. "Bad idea. He doesn't associate with humans."

"He associates with you, does he not? Are you implying that you aren't human?" My mom turned to me with a teasing sparkle in her eyes. I hate when I step right into it, I internally groaned as she made a comment about how it explained so much.

"Point taken," I stopped her from insulting me further, "but I still don't think it would be a good idea." I returned my attention to the TV in hopes that she would do the same and drop it.

"And why is that, dear? Embarrassed by your mother?" She smiled proudly, like she would find no greater joy than doing her job as a parent by embarrassing me.

I rolled my eyes. "Hardly. I'd be more concerned about Ian." He really would be the one to embarrass me. That was another reason why Wesley would most definitely not be coming over. Ever. "I just think it would be awkward."

My mom heaved a sigh and commented under her breath, "You can be such a teenager sometimes."

"That's because I am a teenager. I'm just so mature most of the time, you don't notice it." I grabbed the green bowl from her when she burst out laughing at the concept of me being mature. If she was going to be mean, I was going to steal the rest of the buttery popcorn.

~ ( s ) ~

Going to The Lair for lunch became such a routine that my legs automatically led me in that direction. It was strange to have to tell myself that it wouldn't last forever, so I shouldn't get used to it. However, I was familiar and unaffected by the looks I received while waiting for him to open the door. I found it odd when he didn't after a couple of minutes, but then I heard the latch unlock.

I hesitated, wondering if I was walking into another rat trap. When I peeked inside, I saw him searching through a stack of books and rolled my eyes. He was just distracted, not to mention ruining my effort to keep his reading material organized.

With a yawn, I locked up and wordlessly took a seat so I didn't interrupt him. I stayed up way too late last night working on an assignment after the movie was over. Then, as if a heavenly gift was sent from above, I spotted something that could make my whole day better.

Three cans of whipped cream.

I sighed dreamily.

Wesley had his nose in a book with his back to me. He usually made it a point to only work on projects that were safe-which pretty much excluded most things except reading and researching-during lunch so we could eat. He made sure I started following the safety rules because he didn't want to be responsible for my ending up in a hospital. I thought it was sweet before he proceeded to tell me that he would lose his lab privileges if he put a girl in the hospital. He also said that I could burn the place down and I had no grounds to argue with him.

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