No Dating Allowed & The Next Frankenstein

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No Dating Allowed & The Next Frankenstein

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"When is dinner going to be ready, oh wonderful mother of mine?" I asked my mom, greeting her with a hug.

Theresa Winters became a single mother when my dad left her and my brother right before I was born. I didn't know how she managed to tolerate the two of us, but she raised us well on her own.

As a culinary photographer and food stylist, she not only cooked amazing meals but they were works of art too. She took the photographs for a lot of cookbooks, and one of the perks of that was getting free copies after they were published. Our taste buds and stomachs learned the hard way that she would be a lost cause without the recipes.

"Almost done, Sweetheart.” My mom pecked my forehead and turned back to the stove. “Hungry?" 


"Then do me a favor and get the salad out of the fridge," she said, moving a pot of pasta from a burner to the sink.

I couldn’t resist munching on the veggies right out of the bowl when I took it out. It was a Greek salad with feta and olives. "This is so good."

"Are they not feeding you at that school? Maybe I should start packing a lunch for you."

"No, I just wasn't very hungry at lunch, so I didn't eat a whole lot." She didn't need to know that I spent the day stalking a boy, even if it was for a good reason. She didn't need to know the reason either.

"Oh no," she stopped straining the pasta. "Is the world coming to an end? Are you dying?"

"Ha ha. The world is not coming to an end," I grumbled, tasting the homemade spaghetti sauce. "And last time I checked, I'm not dying. There was just something I had to take care of, that's all." While hoping that was the end of the conversation, I got some dishes out to set the table.

"Speaking of taking care of something. I got a call from your chemistry teacher today."

I nearly dropped one of the plates. My intention was for her not to find out about my grade so soon. Maybe I am going to die. "About that," I laid out the silverware, trying to stall. "I was going to tell you."

"I think it's a great idea to have a tutor. I've known about your grades, Reyna, and I've told you that they need to change. It's so nice to see you taking the initiative to do so! I'm proud of you."

"Oh! Yeah. Thanks," I said, not expecting that reaction. I supposed I had Mr. Fredrick to thank for not making it sound as bad as it was, because otherwise I would be digging an early grave for myself.

"He also told me about your tutor. This Wesley sounds like a very nice boy." She glanced at me with a secret smile.

Here we go. Just because I never had a boyfriend, she had to try to set me up. One would think a mother would be happy about something like that, but not mine.

"He's not that great," I muttered under my breath. "He doesn't really seem the dating type."

"I never said anything about dating him."

"Dating? My little Reyndrop isn't allowed to date!" My brother chose that moment to grace us with his presence.

"You’re the one who shouldn't be allowed to date, you player," I scowled at him. 

He grinned and gave me a kiss on my cheek when he sat down at the table.

Ian may have been a ladies' man, but he had a heart of gold. He was an all around lovable guy, even if he was more brawn than brain. His muscular build, sea green eyes, and blonde, spiky hair were why girls liked him so much. Unfortunately, he had a tendency to attract the ditzy, superficial ones. I feared what college would be like for his relationship status when his gap year was over.

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