Cold Shower & Black is the New Hot

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~ Cold Shower & Black is the New Hot ~

~ ( s ) ( s ) ( s ) ~

I trudged through the school entrance on Monday, still recovering from what happened after the dance the other night. I doubted if I did the right thing by turning my back on Wesley. It didn't feel quite right to me. It was the hardest decision I ever had to make and I may have made the wrong choice. All I could think about the entire weekend was the look on his face when he told me he was falling in love with me.

"Hey, Skit," Ferra said, pulling me into a hug. She loyally waited by my locker until I arrived.

The other night, Ferra found me in the hallway with my head on my knees. She hurried to my crumpled, soggy form, then she dropped to the floor and wrapped her arms around me. Ian appeared right after her. I grimaced, thinking he might flip out and go on a manhunt.

Instead, he took his jacket off and draped it over my shoulders. Then he surprised me further by scooping me up and carrying me out to his truck. There weren't many people left since the dance was over, but I still hid my tear-stained face.

On the drive home, I explained to them the full story of what happened between me and Wesley. From the breakup to my breakdown. Ian's knuckles were white as he gripped the steering wheel. Initially, he offered to go back and punch him in the face. Ferra offered to help him do it.

Then I was shocked when both of them said that they could see where Wesley was coming from, wanting to protect me that way. Even Ian said that, whether I made the right decision or not, I may have been too harsh on him. I didn't know how to respond to that, so I kept quiet.

Even now, I considered my brother's words. A single thought I never had before popped into my head. Maybe Ian was right.

"Hi," I returned the hug gratefully. It was obvious that Ferra was standing there so I wouldn't have to face Wesley alone if I did happen to see him.

She leaned against the lockers and watched behind me while I gathered my books. Her first class was a long distance from my locker and I didn't want her to be late.

She doesn't even have her books yet, I noticed as I saw her empty hands. "You can go, Fere. I'll be okay."

"Nope. I refuse." She crossed her arms in defiance, sticking her nose up in the air.

I gave her a small smile. "At least go get your books." I added before she could argue, "Then you can come back and drop me off on your way to class."

Her shoulders slumped in defeat. "Fine," she grumbled. "I will be right back, so don't move. And don't look in the direction of his locker, just in case."

"I won't, I promise. Now go!" I waved my hands, motioning for her to leave. Ferra backed away, keeping her eyes on me until she bumped into the wall. I turned back to what I was doing and shook my head. As always, what would I do without her?

Just as I finished and closed my locker, a male voice said my name. He was standing so close that his breath tickled my neck in a most unpleasant way. I spun to face the unwanted guest, only to discover the boy who started all the rumors. I tried my best not to snarl at him and managed to keep it at a moderate glower.

"What do you want, Zach?" The bitterness practically dripped from my mouth like venom.

"Wow, somebody's feisty." He smirked, scanning me with his perverted gaze.

I was disgusted, but I also felt a strong desire to punch his lights out. I fisted my hands to express the irritation radiating from me. He didn't seem to care and stepped closer, invading my personal space even more.

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