Scones & Texting

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~ Scones & Texting ~

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We parked outside of the bakery where we were going to meet up with Ferra and Richie. It was a place I found on the internet, so I suggested it after reading the reviews. Since it was in the next city over, the odds of running into anyone we knew were slim to none. 

I may have been taking it too far, but I didn't want to jeopardize whatever it was that Wes and I had together. The two of us were volatile enough without the student body involved, so if someone from school saw us, things were bound to change and not for the better. I texted Ferra to let her know we made it and asked if they were there yet.

Wesley wasn't too pleased when we hit every red light on our way. It must make him crazy to drive slow and, heaven forbid, have to stop to obey the law, I fought a smile at the thought of his road rage. There was a chance we beat them to the bakery because he still drove fast when the speed limits permitted it. And sometimes when they didn't.

"You aren't too bad of a dancer," I commented while I waited for a reply from my friend.

"Thank my mom for the lessons she gave me when I was younger," he stated blandly.

I almost dropped my phone. "Are you telling me The Great Wesley Black took dance lessons? From his mother, no less?"

"She was worried I would be too much like my dad when I got older, so she insisted I learn something other than science," he responded quietly. Before I could read into his words and the sullen expression that seemed to appear out of nowhere, Wes masked his features and moved on. "You aren't so bad yourself for claiming that you can't dance."

I imagined Wesley as a boy learning to dance. His little legs trying to keep up with his mom. Puffing his cheeks out in frustration when he couldn't get a move right. Pushing his glasses back up when they started to slip off while he watched his feet. "I bet you were so cute."

"What? I'm not anymore?" Wes asked with a frown, but I could see the teasing glint in his eyes.

"Not really, no." I scrunched my nose up, making him laugh. I was about to tell him that maybe he was still kind of cute, when I jumped out of my skin and shrieked at what I saw on the other side of the window.

Ferra's face was practically leering at me. 

I rolled the window down with a scowl. "Thank you," I said to her, coating my words in sarcasm. "That was a very psychotic look, by the way."

She was always hyper after dancing in front of an audience, and being on a date with a boy she liked only added to the rush. She was bouncing on her heels as she leaned on the door.

"I can’t help it if I look psychotic when I'm happy," Ferra shrugged. "You are my friend. What does that say about you, Skit? You're welcome, by the way." Then she addressed our innocent bystander. She shoved her arm into the car to shake his hand, nearly colliding with my face in the process. "Hi, Wesley!"

"Hey," he took her hand with an amused look directed at me. "Ferra, I presume?"

"Indeed," she inclined her head formally. "A firm handshake," she noted as she released his hand and winked at me. "I approve, Skit."

I gaped at her. What is she saying?!

Wesley chuckled lightly.

She noticed my horrified expression and bit her lip guiltily. "Since Skit is spending so much time away from me, I feel the need to approve of whomever she chooses to spend her time with...?" She finished poorly. Though the beginning wasn't so good either.

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