Frozen Phones & Hypothesis

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~ Frozen Phones & Hypothesis ~

~ ( s ) ( s ) ( s ) ~

The next morning, I wasted no time and went straight to the principal's office. I had to wait while Laura was on the phone, but she came out soon after and handed me the neatly folded coat. The piece of clothing held so many memories of Wesley. I refrained from breathing in his lingering scent on the soft material in front of his mother. That would be a new level of awkward.

"Now this, I was not expecting," she commented, eyeing what I was wearing. I watched for any skepticism, but saw none as she grinned. "Go get him, Ms. Winters."

"Yes, ma'am," I brightened at her encouragement. Before I walked out, I slipped his lab coat into my backpack. I didn't want him to know I had it yet. My confidence in executing the plan was rising, but my nerves took a bit of convincing. Which was why I was ecstatic to find Ferra waiting outside of the office for me.

"I think you're crazy, but I'm with you, Skit. Let's show these monkeys that you don't give a crap about the crap they throw and get your Wesley back," she said, fixing my collar for me and tugging on the sleeves to straighten them. Ferra was the only one who knew every detail of the plan. She lifted her elbow and I weaved my arm through hers.

"It sounds better when you say it that way," I told her as we walked through the crowded hall.

Everyone stopped and stared at me. I smiled, waving as I passed the ones who's attention remained on me.

"It looks like there's a new White Coat Freak in town," Vicki said loudly, stopping in front of us.

"Very observant, Vicki," I replied cheerfully. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm marching off to wave my freak flag. "

"Who knew you could be even more of a freak than you already were? It must be your outfit," she smirked, thinking she won the battle.

"You're right! It is pretty fabulous," I smoothed out the front of the lab coat. "I don't care what you think, Vicki." Then I surveyed the others around us and the words started flowing from my mouth. I raised my voice, so everyone else could hear what I had to say.

"I don't care what any of you think. You can judge me, make fun of me, make up or believe stupid rumors about me." I shrugged, "I will still be the girl who is obsessed with Skittles. The girl who has conversations with doors. The girl who..."

I paused when my eyes connected with a troubled hazel gaze. Wesley was among my audience, listening intently to my speech.

"The girl who fell in love with the White Coat Freak," I said in a softer tone. Looking away from him, I continued, feeling a fresh wave of confidence wash over me. "I refuse to live my life worrying about the opinions of people who don't even matter to me. I refuse to be afraid of any petty, pathetic things you might do to me.

"Because you know what? I am also the girl who has caused multiple fires, turned my partner's skin purple, among many other unfortunate mishaps. I'm not allowed to say what happened with some liquid nitrogen." I whispered loudly, "Let's just say you should all keep your phones away from me." My voice raised again, "And that was when I didn't know anything about chemistry! Now, my little lab rats, just try to break me."

I redirected my focus to the girl in front of me. To her alone, I said, "I feel sorry for you, Vicki. Who knew you could be even more of a basic..." I bit my lip and smiled, letting the word drop. "Well, it must just be your compound."

As we stepped around Vicki, Ferra stopped and added quietly to her, "And your face."

Everyone cleared a path for us. I held my head high without sparing anyone else a glance. Except Wesley.

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