Cat Videos & Pizza Thieves

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~ Cat Videos & Pizza Thieves ~

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I felt refreshed when I woke up the next morning. Wes didn't stay too late last night, but I continued to study after he went home. Chemistry was fun when I could understand the material and I was beginning to see why Wesley loved it so much. Although, there was no need for it to take up my whole weekend.

I sat up to find my phone amongst the blankets, then collapsed back onto my pillows when I found it. Ferra didn't answer my call. "She must still be sleeping," I mumbled to myself as the automated system beeped. "Ferra! Wake up. Get your flat butt over here and hang out with me.”

With an hour or so before she listened to my voice mail, I had ample time to get breakfast. I was in no hurry to change out of my favorite pajamas on a Sunday morning. The tank top and short set was my favorite, mainly because of the animated cat print, and I would be wearing it until Ferra forced me to change. Which wasn't likely since we didn't have plans to go out anywhere.

I pondered on what to make for breakfast as I made my way down the hallway. My mom had a meeting with a client about photos for a cookbook and Ian always slept in on the weekend, so I had to make my own meal with leftovers for Ferra to graze on when she arrived.

I was too preoccupied with thoughts of bacon and cheesy eggs to hear the voices at the end of the hall. It wasn't until I was standing right in front of my worst nightmare that I realized we had company. My sharp intake of breath drew their attention to me.

The word I needed to express the horror of the situation did not exist yet. I had nothing.

Wesley masked his chuckle with a cough. "Hello, Kitty," he greeted me with a smirk. He looked me over, lightly biting his lip, before shifting his gaze away. How he could go from seductive to shy, I didn't know. And in that instance, I was too mortified to care.

Ian clicked his tongue, disapproving of my unkempt appearance. He muttered a quiet warning to Wesley about not staring at me.

"What are you doing here?!" My shrill cry had even my ears ringing.

"Ian invited me over. Though I'm not sure how he got my number," he glanced at my brother, who looked too guilty to be innocent. I would never again let Ian borrow my phone to find his lost one.

"Ian, may I see you for a moment?" I asked with my fists and teeth clenched, motioning to the kitchen.

"Of course, Reyns," he responded, indifferent to my murderous aura.

He should be fearing for his life right about now, I thought when he joined me in the other room.

"What happened to my brother from last night?!" I whispered-shouted. "What are you thinking, inviting him over like this?"

He rested his hands on my shoulders, trying to calm me down. "Last night was a test, my dear little sister."

I smacked his hands away. "A test?"

"A test to see how he well he does under pressure and if he would stick around with your brother acting psychotic," he replied like it was the most normal thing in the world.

Acting, I snorted.

"He got on my nerves a little, but he passed the test. He’s either stupid or he likes you. I mean, what idiot would come back for more?" Ian shook his head. "Anyway, since it seems so important to you, I've decided to take it easy on the guy and get to know him."

I crossed my arms and grumbled, "You could have at least given me fair warning."

"Why? You look so cute." He pinched my cheeks like a baby and ruffled my already chaotic hair. "Now go change. I swear I saw him drooling,” he scowled. “And do something about the bird's nest on your head."

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