The Shopping Trip & Reyna's Rainbow

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~ The Shopping Trip & Reyna's Rainbow ~

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"The Spring dance is this Friday."

I expected Ferra to bring it up, but I wasn't eager to discuss it with her. "So?"

Ferra and I were wearing our pajama pants and the hoodies we stole from Ian. He was sweet enough not to care when we raided his collection. To be more precise, as long as I washed and returned them within a couple of days, he said he wouldn't complain. He let me keep the one I wore the other day when I took my chemistry test, but that probably had more to do with the fact that it was covered in tears and snot. He was even sweeter for not pointing that out.

It was the last night of our weekend long sleepover. Ian joined us for most of it because he lacked something better to do. His words, but I didn't believe him. He went so far as to give himself a mani-pedi. It was done without the polish, no matter how much we tried to convince him to put some on.

Though it was easy to talk him into watching chick flicks and trying out a facial. He was kicked back in the recliner while Fere and I occupied the couch. We faced each other with our legs stretched out and our backs against the arm rests.

"Dude. She's hot in this movie," Ian remarked as the main character arrived at a college party wearing a bunny costume. He wasn't listening to our conversation.

"So," Ferra dragged out, poking my hip with her toes. "Are you going to the dance?"


"Please? Richie and I want to be your date," she added, hoping to change my mind.

"Date for what?" Ian must have tuned in at the mention of a date. 

Or maybe it was the mention of another boy and 'date' in the same sentence, I entertained, hiding a smile.

"The school dance," she repeated for him.

"I thought you two decided to just be friends," I said to Ferra, simultaneously trying to move the conversation in a different direction and open a door for my brother.

"We did," she glanced at Ian, clearly uncomfortable talking about it around him, "but we want to go together as friends since neither of us have dates. Will you come with us?"

"I appreciate the invite, but I'm not going to the dance." I had no interest in going anymore. I wanted to dress up and dance the night away with Wesley, but that was never going to happen. I wasn't skipping out on Senior Prom or anything special, since it was only our Junior year and just one dance.

"Come on, Skit! It will be fun, I promise," she urged.

I took a large bite of leftover cake so I wouldn't have to respond to Ferra immediately. My mom surprised me with it after dinner on Friday to celebrate passing the test. And the fact that it was chocolate improved my sullen mood. She ordered it in advance because if I failed, I would have a consolation cake, and if I passed, I would have a reason to celebrate. It turned out to be for both.

The cake was delicious. My mom told me it was supposed to be a star with the periodic symbol for gold. The yellow star was flawless, but instead of Au written in the center, it was Aw. She said the boy at the bakery made up for it by saying it was for the element of cuteness and gave her some free treats as an apology. I couldnt complain since I was on my fourth slice over two days.

"Go with me."

I looked up from the plate of free shredded coconut cookies I was eyeing as I licked the frosting on my fork. Realizing it was Ian who spoke, Ferra and I blinked at each other before turning our heads to him.

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