The Black Death & Delusional Confessions

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~ The Black Death & Delusional Confessions ~

~ ( s ) ( s ) ( s ) ~

I sat up and held my nose, begging it not to happen again. I would have done anything to prevent it. My eyes watered and I couldn't hold it back anymore.

I sneezed.

My head pounded and my sinuses burned, so I fell back onto my pillow. I screeched into it, causing my throat to feel more like a chainsaw than the daggers it was before I released my cry of agony. It was sore and dry because my nose was so stuffed up, I had to breathe through my mouth. Any time I sneezed or coughed, I wanted to stick dynamite in my ears and blow my head off because it would hurt less.

"I hate you, Black! This is your fault!" I shouted to my empty room. I wished he was here so I could yell at him for making me sick. Not that I wanted to discuss how I got sick. Whether it was from sharing the pizza on Sunday or our close proximity yesterday, which seemed like a good idea at the time. Not that I was thinking about much of anything, I banged my head against the headboard.

I groaned, rubbing the spot I hit so hard. Then it occurred to me that I could still yell at Wesley. Through texting. With a lot of exclamation points.

U rly R The Black Death!!!!!! U got me sick TT.TT

I tossed my phone, aiming for the foot of the bed, but it wound up on the floor.

"Fine, stay down there," I muttered bitterly, closing my eyes. Since I didn't have to go to school, I intended to get more sleep.

"Reyndrop," Ian called, tapping on my door.

Maybe if I ignore him, he'll go away. I just wanted to go back to sleep.

My brother always worried when I was sick, even going so far as to stay home from school to take care of me when our mom couldn't. When we were little and mom would insist he go to school, he pretended to go. Then he would sneak back into my room from the window and spend the day with me watching movies. Mom caught him most of the time, when he failed to hide under the bed fast enough, but she would just smile and get us both ice cream.

I heard the door open, then a few seconds later my bed dipped from the weight of Ian sitting beside me. He sighed and took my hand, rubbing it softly with his thumb.

"You aren't supposed to get sick, dumbass."

I peeked an eye open, "Care to join me, dumberass?"

He smiled warmly. "No thanks. I don't look nearly as attractive when I'm sick."

I rolled my eyes at his egotistical statement, the movement causing me more pain.

"I have to go to work. I'm covering a shift for someone," he said regretfully.

"Okay. I'm sure I'll sleep all day anyway." He was making a bigger deal out of it than I was, but I was still disappointed that I would be home alone.

"I'm going to stop on my way home to get you some of the world's best coffee. And mom said she'll bring you some soup from your favorite restaurant." After that, he ordered me to drink a lot of fluids and try to eat. As if I had never been under the weather in my life. "Oh, and do not forget your medicine.”

"Go before I sneeze on you," I threatened blandly.

"Call me if you need anything.” He jumped up and backed away slowly.

"Do you know how far the snot and spit can travel when one sneezes?"

"I don't care to find out. Love you, Reyns," he grinned and bolted out of the room.

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