Chapter 5

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The amount of joy I feel when I look into the eyes of this sweet, beautiful child brings me utter happiness. A happiness I didn't know I could feel again, a happiness I didn't know I needed until I yearned for it.

The day I lost Zaren is the day I lost everything and at first his death had numbed me. It was as if my mind was placed in ice and frozen until the ice begin to thaw out, then one day I woke up and the ice was completely melted. It left a deep pain that set in and rooted deep in my veins, piercing my soul and condemning me to what feels like eternal hell.

But then I met Lenaya and it was as if she brought me a sense of hope, and in the moments of her presence I am shielded from the pain. I can close my eyes and feel the warmth of happiness seep through my bones. It gives me hope again. Hope that I can have happiness, but sadly the effects are only temporary because the moment she leaves, the pain begins and I'm left with the nightmares.

I blink back the happy tears that threaten to spill as I pick Lenaya up and spin her around, causing her to giggle.

Her laughter fills my ears causing me to laugh with her. Pushing back her dark chocolate curls I cup her face and kiss her head, breathing in her sweet scent of jasmine flowers.

"Hi, Lenaya." I greet, as she wraps her arms around my neck.

"Hi, Raxlyn."

"What are you doing here? Where is your Daddy and Mommy?" I question.

Aria smiles at the both of us as she observes Lenaya and I closely. Rolling my eyes at her, I turn my attention to Lenaya, placing her on my hip.

"Mommy is in heaven and Daddy is over there." She points in the direction of her Zevander.

Her smile never falter even when she mentioned her mother, though it doesn't stop a new ache from setting in as I realize she may never have that bond between a mother and child or feel the love only a mother could offer. No child should ever go without knowing both their parents love.

"Daddy said I can come say hi to you." Lenaya adds, breaking me from my thoughts. My eyes follow her index finger as she points to her father who is now walking over to us.

A shyness takes over me and I allow my hair to form a curtain around my face, shielding both Zevander and Ari from seeing me blush a deep shade of red.

Since I've first meet Zevander, we have gotten a lot closer then I have with any other customer. I know Lenaya plays a big factor in it, but I can't help but feel shy, especially when I feel his eyes on me.

He makes me go through emotions I've never experienced before. Emotions I'm not sure I like, but also don't mind feeling.

"Ive heard so much about you Lenaya. My name is Aria and you my friend are so beautiful." Aria says, cutting through my thinking process.

"Hi... it's nice to meet you, Ria." Lenaya says shyly before hiding her face in my neck.

Aria's smile widens upon hearing  the nickname Lenaya has made for her. Reaching over Ari tickles Lenaya, who erupts into a fit of giggles as she begs me to make her stop.

"You know you shouldn't run off like that, Lenaya and you shouldn't talk to strangers." I say.

A look of confusion appears on her face before she looks between Aria and I. "But we're not strangers, silly. You're my old friend and Ria is my new friend." She proudly states, squeezing my cheeks together.

Crossing my eyes I say, "how are you so smart?"

"Daddy says I got all his genes. I think that means I got his smartness." She shrugs.

Rise From The Ashes (EDITING IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now