Chapter 8

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Most nights when I walk home, I envision a little of myself in the strangers I never meet. Like a page in a book, I add myself into their story. Always placing some of my fears into them, then I let the story unfold. Allowing myself to take back a little control of my life through them, through their stories.

Most times I envision them; myself miserable, alone and afraid. I allow different devastations to occur so that I'm reminded to be thankful for the life I have, though it may not be much. Others have it worse then me and with that I feel more appreciative.

Very rarely do I allow these people to have a happy ending. When a story consists of a happy ending, it's usually because theres a superhero creating that fairytale ending so many seek in life. Not me. No, my story doesn't have that. My story only consists of villains in the form of nightmares. Regardless we are the only ones who can change our own stories. Word for word, chapter by chapter. Until the page of our book flips to the last page and reads "the end."

I enter the apartment expecting it to be dark and cold, instead I'm welcomed with a delicious scent of pastries while the sound of Journey plays softly in the background. "I'm home!" I yell out.

"In here!" I hear Aria yell from the kitchen. Slipping out of my shoes, I throw my jacket on the coatrack before walking to the living room to set my purse down.

Quietly I sneak into the kitchen where a humming Aria stands preparing snacks. Tightening my grip on the throw pillow I start to wack her with it. "You thought you can embarrass me like that in front of Zevander?" I say in between hits.

"Okay. Okay. I'm sorry, but you have to admit it was kinda funny." She says choking back a laugh as tries to grab for the pillow.

"No it wasn't," I hiss. "Lenaya could of heard you if she wasn't occupied with her coloring book. Zevander read your message by the way."

"Yes!" She yells excitedly. "So... what did he say?" 

She can't be serious right now can she? Rolling my eyes at her, I cross my arms. Im going to find a way to get her back and have my sweet revenge on her.

"He just apologized after choking on his water. Ive never seen him so uncomfortable in my life, Ari." I run my fingers through my hair. "He started squirming in his seat."

"Oh sweetie," she laughs. "He wasn't uncomfortable. He was... you know."

Like a lightbulb it hits me. "Ohhh..." I say feeling my cheeks heat up. "I hate you." I mumble under my breath.

"No you don't. You'll thank me later when you finally get dominated. You'll finally get to experience it for yourself, and not just read about in those books you love." She winks.

"Oh hush." I roll my eyes.  "You need to worry about your own sex life rather then my nonexistent one."

She never understood my fascination for reading the types of books that I read. She doesn't understand that reading a good book can be cleansing for the soul. I've tried to get her to read one of my books, but three chapters in she decided she would rather drink her a glass of wine and watch re-runs then find out what happens between the pages of two star crossed lovers.

She's a hopeless romantic and hates the types of books I have. She used to be a "skip to the back of the book" type of reader to see if the story had a happen ending, until one day we made a bet that she couldn't read a book without skipping to the back. She of course won the bet, but never picked up a book after the main character died in the end.

"Anyways are you hungry?" She asks.

"Yeah I am. It smells amazing in here by the way." Aria has always been good at cooking. She just doesn't do it often.

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