Chapter 9

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I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about today. I'm trying to stay positive and keep a positive mindset but it's hard. Last night I didn't get much sleep as I tossed and turned all night thinking of so many ways the date could go wrong. And now I'm paying for it this morning as Aria drags me throughout the mall.

"Out of all the places, why did you have to drag me into this place? You know I have perfectly good panties at home." I complain.

As much as I fought her on this, Aria is pretty persistent when it comes to getting her ways. She never takes no for an answer.

"Today might be your day, but it's also my day to do whatever I want with you, and if that means forcing you in here, so be it." She argues back.

"If you want to waste your money it's fine by me," I respond. "It's not my money being wasted."

Aria has a bit of a shopping habit. She doesn't seem to know what to do with her money. She of course has her savings that she dares not to touch, but anything left over from bills and groceries, she spends on shopping, whereas I save almost everything I make.

"Okay, BB. I think I found the perfect one. They even have it in your size." She cheerfully says. Rolling my eyes I watch as she grabs a black lace bra with a matching thong. "I think I'm going to get you the red and white ones as well." She tells me.

Shaking my head, I head to the perfume section where I wait for Ari to finish her shopping. She can spend hours in one store, but thankfully we only spent about an hour in Victoria's Secret before we're heading to another store.

"We need to get you into something sexy. We don't want Zevander to able to take his eyes off you tonight. And who knows; a certain brunette might bless his dreams." She winks.

My cheeks begin to turn a deep shade of red, but before she can see the embarrassment written on my face, I quickly turn away. "It's a date, Ari," I say. "Our first date. I want to dress cute and sophisticated." I add.

"Hell no. You're dressing sexy and that's final." She argues before dragging me into the next store. Throwing my hands up I sigh. There's no winning with her.

We search for multiple hours until Aria found the perfect red dress and black heels. Though the dress is cute it isn't something I would usually see myself wearing, especially for a date.

The dress ties behind my neck, allowing my back to be bare. The front of the dress hangs low a tad bit showing just a bit of cleavage but not to much that it wouldn't make it first date material. The silky red material hugs my curves; stopping just a few inches above my knees where a slit on the left side goes up mid thigh.

"Ari, are you sure on the dress? I mean I've never worn anything so... tight. It's beautiful, don't get me wrong. It's just something I don't see myself wearing... like ever." I tell her.

The dress really is beautiful, but I prefer something that hides my body from the views of others. This dress will turn heads and that's something I don't wish to do.

"BB, please. I have been dying to get you to finally dress up and now that you get the chance you don't want to?" She asks, a deep frown forming in between her brows. "But if you don't want to wear it I understand. We can always get you something else."

Okay maybe the dress isn't bad. I'm letting the fear poison my mind. "No. You know what Ari? You're right and I'm sorry. The dress is beautiful and I'll wear it. I guess I'm just nervous to see what Zevander thinks of it."

"Are you sure bec—" I interrupt before she can finish her sentence.

"Positive." I reply, offering her a smile in which she returns.

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