Chapter 45

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                Zevander's POV

    I wake up with a killer headache. I groan as I feel the need to throw up and I quickly rush into the bathroom and puke until my stomach is empty.

I get up and brush my teeth and jump in the shower not bothering to shave.

Last night I dreamed about Braxlyn. She was sitting in the kitchen. I know it was a dream because she doesn't arrive until today although the dream felt real I know it wasn't. I need to hurry before she arrives.

'How will it be when she arrives? Will it be awkward? Will she try to talk to me?' I think to myself as I take a shower.

Pushing the thoughts away I jump out the shower and wrap a towel around my waist and check the time on my phone. It's nine o'clock.

I get dressed and am putting my socks on when my door opens and I see Lenaya peek her head in.

I smile. "Happy Birthday, Princess." I say as she runs in and throws herself in my arms.

"Thank you, Daddy." Lenaya says as she kisses my nose and I kiss her cheek.

"Look, Naya." I sigh as I run my hand through my hair. "I'm sorry about yesterday. I'm sorry you had to hear me yelling and I'm sorry for taking my frustration out on you." I say cupping her face.

"It's okay, Daddy. I'm sorry for being a bad girl and hitting you and for being mad at you." She says kissing my cheek and I nod.

"Do you like my hair?" She says as she traces the crown braid with her fingers.

I smile. "I love it, Princess. Did Aunt Zara do it?"

'Zara must have been practicing if she's this good already.' I think to myself as I look at the perfect braid.

Lenaya giggles. "No, Daddy. Mommy did it." She says excitedly clapping her hands.

'Braxlyn? Braxlyn's here already? How? When?' I think to myself.

"I love it, Princess." I say looking at her and kiss her little button nose. "Did Mommy just get here?"

"No, silly." She giggles. "Mommy came last night. Uncle Ane picked her up on the air-o-plane." I laugh at the way she says airplane. "Mommy read me a bedtime story on Nana's phone and me and Mommy were crying. We we're so sad Daddy, so Uncle Ane picked Mommy up." She finishes saying with both her tiny hands cupping my face.

Braxlyn is here, she's been here all night. Shit. I hope she wasn't here when I made a mess of myself last night.

"Okay, Princess. Let's go downstairs and see what Nana made for breakfast. We have a busy day today." I say as I pick her up and throw her over my shoulders.

Lenaya giggles the whole way down the stairs as I tickle her.

"Daddy, you're going to mess up my hair." Lenaya says as she rest her little elbow on my shoulder and holds her face in her hands.

"Okay, okay." I say putting her down and watch her run off into the dining room.

I feel her before I see her and when I enter the dining room our eyes connect without having to look for her. I stop walking and stare at her. Her eyes are a little red and puffy, but she's still so beautiful.

After a few moments Braxlyn looks down and I look and see everyone staring at me. I raise an eyebrow and they all put their heads down.

I roll my eyes as I take my seat on the only available chair with Lenaya sitting between Braxlyn and myself.

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