Chapter 21

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   "So who's food do you prefer? The diners or here?" Zevander questions, reaching for his soda with his feee hand.

Shrugging one shoulder, I answer. "The diner still wins by a landslide. I'm sorry, Zev but you haven't even tried the burgers and shakes from there have you?" I ask a brow arched as I untangle from him.

Shaking his head he responds. "I haven't, but if you really think the diners beats here, then I'll to be the judge of it for myself and try it."

Now I know where I'll be taking him when we go out to eat next time. I'm a genius for thinking this.

We finish our food in comfortable silence and decide to head back to my apartment since Zevander's house is a distance away from Lenaya's school. According to Zevander, her school is pretty close from my apartment.

The paparazzi were still outside when Zevander and I left the restaurant, but like early neither Zevander nor I paid them any mind as we got into the vehicle.

Sliding into the driver side seat, Zevander puts his seatbelt on and reaches for my hand to hold. I don't protest and instead smile, looking out the window, watching the paparazzi begin to depart.

A few minutes into the drive Zevander turns down the radio and turns to me and ask. "Did you really like the diners food better or did you just say that because you wanted to pay next time?"A boisterous laugh leaves my lips as I hold my stomach. Is that a hint of jealousy I detect because I won?

"It was a close call," I giggle, wiping the tears from under my eyes. "But the burgers and shakes are better at the diner. Even if I wanted to pay, I wouldn't lie to you."

Zevander hums his response, switching lanes and changing the subject. "So what have you been up to the past month I've been an ass?"

"The usual. Work and home. What about you?" I ask, keeping my eyes on the buildings around me as the traffic comes alto a stand still. I've always loved New York, but the traffic is terrible. I dont think there was ever a time it wasn't bumper to bumper. Zevander being a great driver seems to know all the shortcuts. He would make a great taxi driver.

"The usual. I drop Lenaya off at pre-school, work, pick her up from school, then head home. Unless I can't get away from the office then I'll have my brother or sister-in-law pick her up and bring her to the office." He admits with a shrug to his shoulders.

"And the gym?"


"You didn't include the gym." I mumble, turning towards him. The muscles under his tight sweater flex as he switches lanes, taking the different route home. He definitely works out every night. Maybe I should ask where he goes so I can get a membership.

"Oh... yeah. I didn't think that was important. I work out after Lenaya goes to sleep. Are you thinking about starting?"

"Ouch... are you calling me fat?" I tease, rubbing my stomach.

"You are anything but fat," Zevander states. "But honestly, you can always come workout with me if you like. I have a built in gym at my house."

"I don't think I have the time to make the drive to your house after work." I answer. "It's not like you live close. I would have to run home and change before driving an hour to and from your house and that's not even adding the hour or two it takes me working out. Hell, I wouldn't make it back to my apartment until after one in the morning."

"Hmmm..." Zevander hums, thinking. "You can always pack a extra pair of clothes... a pair of workout clothes and after work on Saturdays you can ride with Lenaya and I to my house, and on Sundays we can workout early if you prefer. That way you'll have plenty of time to make it back home to rest before work on Monday."

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