Chapter 39

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Zevander's POV

"What the fuck!" I yell as soon as my office door swings open, causing Braxlyn to jump a little.

"This is very unprofessional of you to cancel our meeting for some... some." Ms. Davidson yells.

"Excuse me?" I say picking up Braxlyn and getting out of my chair. "If anyone is unprofessional here it is you." I say with anger as my voice bounces off the walls.

"Rachelle call security." I tell my secretary and sister in law. Rachelle nods her head quickly before disappearing.

"I have been waiting months to have this final interview with you and instead you send him." She says glaring at a very angry Zane. "Just to be with some Bitch?"

"What the fuck did you just call my girlfriend?" I say through gritted teeth. I go around my desk, but get stopped by Braxlyn's hand on my arm.

"What did you just call me? Look lady I don't know who you are or what makes yo-" Braxlyn gets cut off by Ms. Davidson.

"I will soon be the love of his life.." She says pointing to me. I look behind me to make sure she isn't talking to someone else. "I came here for him." She says pointing at me. "To finally get the attention I've been wanting from Zevander and I'm not leaving till he's mine." She says dragging her eyes down Braxlyn's body and rolls her eyes.

I laugh causing the four of them to look at me as if I'm crazy. "Ah, so this is why you have been so persistent on selling to "Hendrix" because you have this crazy obsession with me. You're crazy! Delusional! Hell you're sick in your head if you think I would ever touch you. Hell I wouldn't even touch you with a six foot pole." I say as if the sound of that left a bad taste in my mouth.

Ms. Davidson looks like she's just been slapped before she quickly recovers. "What did you just call me?" She says marching over to me.

She picks up her hand to slap me, but before she can Braxlyn has her hand wrapped around her wrist. "Don't. Fucking. Touch. Him." Braxlyn seethes.

A loud slapping sound is heard around the office as Braxlyn has just been slapped. Before I can do anything Braxlyn wraps her hand around Ms. Davidson's throat and slams her on the floor. Braxlyn quickly gets on top of her and starts punching her with both fists.

Zane, Rachelle and myself are frozen in shock. Everything happened so fast.

Braxlyn grabs a fistful of Ms. Davidson's hair and starts slamming her head on the floor while continuing to throw punch after punch at her. Her dress has risen up and I have a full show of her perfectly round ass. I'm relieved Braxlyn's back is facing me so Zane can't see.

I finally take my eyes off Braxlyn's ass as I realize Zane staring at me as if I'm crazy. I quickly wrap my arms around Braxlyn's waist, pulling her off a now bleeding and crying Ms. Davidson. I quickly pull her dress down so she doesn't accidentally flash my brother her sweet goods.

"You crazy Bitch! You think you can walk in here and try to touch my man. You don't know who you're fucking with." Braxlyn yells as she gives Ms. Davidson a good kick to her ribs before I can completely move her away.

"Baby, stop before you flash my brother." I say pulling her dress down again.

"I don't mind." Zane says and all three of us glare at him.

"Shut the fuck up, Zane." I say through gritted teeth at the same time Rachelle elbows him in his ribs.

"Ouch! I was just playing. You're the only woman I need, Babe." Zane says to Rachelle as he pulls her to him.

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