Chapter 55

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              7 Months Later

Seven months has passed by and everything has been great. I still talk to my brother Titus and even though Adaria still doesn't talk to me, I've come to terms that we will never be close and I'm okay with it. I forgave her and moved on.

Zevander paid for my fathers hospital bill and funeral services and as much as I didn't want him too, he still did. He wanted to show his appreciation to the man who helped bring me into this world. So they money Adaria had put aside for it is now going to a collage fun for my brother Titus.

Zevander is still his charming self and is very attentive to me and my growing belly. He doesn't like me to do anything on my own and all though it drives me crazy at times, I don't complain because I know he means well.

Rachelle gave birth four months ago to a beautiful green eyed, blonde hair little boy. Zane wanted to keep the tradition going and stick to the 'Z's' so they named him Zeke. He is beautiful and looks just like Rachelle, but with his father's moss green eyes.

Lenaya is doing good and is exceeding in school. We still go on our weekly park dates with her and I think she enjoys them more, now that my due date is near. She's excited to show the twins her favorite place.

We have been going to Zevander's parents house every Saturday night to spend time with them for the past 6 in a half months. His parents enjoy it just as much as Zevander and Lenaya do. His parent have asked me to call them "Mom" and "Dad" and I couldn't be more happier.

I no longer work at "The Diner" since I hit my second trimester and Jack ended up selling it and retiring. He told me that he has always wanted to travel the world, but never wanted to leave me behind. So now that is what he does.

Jack came back last week saying he wanted to be here for the birth of his two grandchildren and I couldn't agree more because he will always be a father to me and a grandfather to all four of my children.

It's currently six in the morning and I've been having pain off and on for a couple of hours now. Four hours to be exact, not to mention my amniotic sac has been leaking fluids. I know I should tell Zevander but, dammit I just want hot cocoa with cinnamon.

"Baby, are you down here?" Zevander says with concern.

"Yeah." I say crying. "I'm in the kitchen."

"Baby, what's wrong?" Zevander says as he picks me up from the floor.

"I can't get the stupid cup." I say wiping my tears as I glare at the stupid mug that's high up in the kitchen cabinet. "I just wanted hot cocoa with cinnamon." I say huffing.

"You should of woke me up, Love. I would of made you some." Zevander says as he wipes my tears and kisses my lips.

"I know but I didn't want to wake you. You were sleeping so peacefully and you have been so attentive to me. I just feel bad." I say looking at him.

"Baby, that's my job as your fiancé to be attentive to you. I got you into this." He says laughing.

Zevander proposed to me six months ago at "The Diner." He said he wanted it to be a place special and considering we met there I would say it was pretty damn special.

"We both did. You like to do it just as much as me." I say looking up at him smiling.

"Sorry, Baby but in all truth it's you who likes to do it more. Don't get me wrong I love it when we make love, but you want it at least four times a day, maybe even more." He says before laughing.

"Hey. It's the pregnancy hormones. They always get my so... you know." I say kissing his lips.

Zevander pulls me close to him... well as close as we can get considering my huge belly.

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