Chapter 6

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  As Creed and I walk back to the diner I allow his previous words to replay in my head. Over and over. He thinks Zevander likes me. I don't know where he gets that idea from, but it sounds ridiculous. There is no way he could possibly like a woman like me.

Nonetheless different scenarios play through my head like a movie. For a moment I allow myself to visualize our life together. One vision stands out the most and I allow myself to vision it, if only for a moment.

Zevander dressed in a suit, preferably maroon as he stands under the big beautiful archway made of trees that create a pathway in Central Park. The crisp and chilly fall air gently blowing his hair as he stands before a beautiful archway decorated with hanging string lights, allowing the maroon, auburn and navy blue flowers to stand out against the soft, white silk drapes. Zevander would meet my gaze and we would be the only two people present. Everyone else would simply fade away. His eyes; maybe brown or blue would shine with love as he waits for me to reach him. I would be a nervous wreck as I take slow and steady steps towards him. The crunching sound of leaves under my feet would somehow calm my nerves, just as Jack whispers words of encouragement to me before handing me off to my groom; Zevander.

I rapidly blink my eyes as Creeds fingers snap in front of me, pulling me back to reality. Shaking my head, I clear the fantasy that clouded my mind.

"We're here." Creed indicates towards the door to the diner.

Looking up I smile and thank him as he holds the door open for me to enter, in which I do.

Upon hearing the ringing bell on the entrance door, Jack who is in the far left corner of the diner looks up and greets us with a smile.

"Why don't you find a table and I'll place your order. The usual right?" I ask Creed who nods in agreement.

"I'm so sorry I'm late, Jack." I apologize once Jack enters the kitchen. "Time slipped right past me, but if you need me to stay the extra twenty minutes I missed I can?"

"It's ok, dear. I don't remember there ever being a time in which you were late. There's no need to get so worked up over nothing."

Jack. He's always so understanding and full of laughter and love, always worried about those he cares about. I couldn't ask for a better person.

"I'm sorry if I worried you Jack. I was at Central Park with Aria and we got to talking when I ran into Creed. I figured I would get him something to eat for old times sake."

"Buttercup, it's okay. Why don't you keep him company since there's not a lot of people here. I'll bring his food out when it's done." Jack says.

"Thank you for that, Jack. He thought he could get past me without me seeing him. Central Park is big but not that big for him to get lost in the crowd." I shake my head laughing.

"Did you say Central Park?" Jack asks, eyeing me closely. "How did it go? You know if you need to take some time off you can. I can handle the rest of the afternoon by myself."

"No, no. I'm okay" I protest. "It was something that needed to be done. It was long over due and besides, now I get to spend time with Creed. I haven't done that in awhile."

With narrowed eyes he observes me for any hint of a lie, when he finds none he nods his head in approval.

"You know I admire you for that. You have faced many demons in your life and went through hell and back, but you still managed to come back on top. You may not know it, but regardless of how you feel most days, you still manage to light up any room you walk in. You make me a proud father." Jack voices out.

Im blessed. Very blessed to have stumbled upon Jack. He has been the father figure I always needed, always helping me along the way. He never questioned my decision. Never yelled out me when I made mistakes, and I've made plenty. He has always been there to show me the way. Leading me as he likes to call it.

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