|53| Capitol Update: The Bloodbath - Day 1

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Aurelia Tempersmith's P.O.V.

"Welcome, everybody! The first day of the second arena is officially over! And what an interesting arena it is this time!

The arena is primarily forest, with a very limited water supply. Even though there's lots of shade, it is hotter than a desert. The cornucopia area is very interesting, it is all earth with erosion cracking, making it difficult to run on! If something lands on a dark brown spot or if someone steps on it, it will crumble up and fall. For any tribute who accidentally goes down one, there is no coming back up. The drop is over one hundred feet. There are also regular light brown spots that will do the same thing, so the tributes will never know what to expect! But let's move on to the fallen tributes, shall we?

First up is Vincent Danvers. He was the first one who died, being stabbed in the chest by Brooklyne from 10.

Here's a shocker, Ivan Keen died in the bloodbath as well! While he was trying to get his hands on a sword, he was beheaded by Titus Purdom from 10. I believe we were all pretty surprised, he was a volunteer after all!

Next up is Andrew Hass from District 10. I noticed that he was trying to escape with an armful of goodies, but Sapphire from 7 threw an axe in his back before he could get away.

After Andrew is Amalia Bohen from District 11. I must say, her death was surely thrilling! She stepped on a dark brown patch of the ground, where it began to fall. Having no time to escape, she fell in, falling to her death.

After Amalia was Zeon Meryl from the same district. Alexander from 10 was torturing him, but before he had the chance to kill him, Zeon fell in a hole, falling to his death just like Amalia did.

The only one to die from District 12 is Coal Monestime. Melody from 13 threw a dagger at his skull, seconds before he could stab her fellow ally, Charlotte, in the back. And I'm pretty sure we're all very surprised that Zachary Domin made it through day one, maybe he will make it to the top twelve!

Last one to die today is Lot Elmsen from District 13. After losing food in the swamp, he found a bush filled with poisonous apples and cherries. He ate a dark blue cherry, and seconds later, he began suffocating, a cannon signaling his death a minute later.

There it is, folks! Seven out of thirty-five tributes gone already. Don't forget to vote for your favorite tributes!

We are now left with eight alliances! Many of them have slimmed down.

First we have Winter Cross, Levi Huffaker, and Ben Knight, all of them from District 7.

Next are the twins from District 8, Skylar and Jakob from District 9, and Isabelle from District 10. Aloe is the only one missing, so we'll see if they'll be able to find her!

We then have the alliance of District 11. We are left with Bo, Marcus, and River. Bo, like Aloe, is the only one missing. From what I've heard, Bo is at the other end of the arena from his alliance! I can't wait to see what'll happen!

Next is Misty from District 9 and Sapphire and Midnight from District 7. So far, they are the only alliance that has found a water source. Misty is a pretty smart girl!

After them is the terribl—terrific trio consisting of Brooklyn, Titus, and Alexander from District 10. They have managed to get as much as they could from the cornucopia, finding a camp elsewhere. Maybe not the smartest move, because now the cornucopia is open to anybody!

Speaking of an open cornucopia, we have our little alliance of two, Candace and Astrid from District 9, making their way there right now! Earlier today, they hid in a bush from District 10. They are an intelligent duo, so we'll see what they get later!

Now this is a little surprising, we have our alliance of six now an alliance of two! We have Blue from District 8 and Ash from District 12 working together. The rest of their alliance perished in the bloodbath.

And of course, we have all of District 13, minus Lot. They've been having a rough start, falling into a swamp and losing their food, water and medicine. Oh, this just in! They are currently being chased by tracker jackers! It seems as if they're heading back to the muddy swamp, trying to escape the stinging of the mutations! So far, none of them are too badly stung, but it looks like the hallucinations are starting.

Now we have the same three people who had no alliance to begin with. We have Isaac, Snow, and Zachary, all from District 12 working individually.

Right now, Snow is getting comfortable high up in a tree. Zachary is walking around the arena, probably one of the few who are awake, and he's having an immersive conversation with himself. Isaac decided to cover himself by sleeping under a hollow bush. It's a very smart idea, these bushes seem thick from the outside, but on the inside, it's nothing but empty space. He's had an awfully long day, he never stopped exploring! He probably wanted to get comfortable with the arena he's in.

Now, we have a list of possible attractions to be sent into the arena on day three. We'd like you to vote for one out of the three for us to send in.

1.) Blood rain. All of the blood that was shed throughout all one hundred years of the hunger games! They won't injure the tributes, but it will definitely be interesting to watch!

2.) We have demon rabbits that the gamemakers are currently working on. The rabbits will appear as cute and cuddly at first, but once a tribute gets too close, the rabbits will attack and feast on their flesh.

3.) The last choice is zombie tributes from previous hunger games. We will have twenty-five enter in. We will not be reviving any actual tributes, but instead, the gamemakers are creating robot versions. They will have the body of an actual human and the look of a zombie. The robots will still be able to eat a tribute alive.

Make sure to vote! You have two days!

I'm Aurelia Tempersmith, and this has been your Capitol Update."


Recap of Day 1 Deaths:

-Vincent Danvers, District 8

-Ivan Keen, District 8

-Andrew Hass, District 10

-Amalia Bohen, District 11

-Zeon Meryl, District 11

-Coal Monestime, District 12

-Lot Elmsen, District 13

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