|82| The Supreme Games: Day 5 - Part 2

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Velvet's P.O.V. (D1)

Radio silence.

No announcements, no word from the head game maker. Just the sound of a gong and mere seconds before sending in a damn earthquake.

There's no time to guess what will be sent in. No time to prepare like we had during the previous feasts. They've allowed us no time at all to strategize before facing whatever attraction they send our way.

This isn't just an earthquake though.No, there's something far more terrifying than the rumbling forrest terrain.

The fog.

At first, I thought it may have been a poisonous fog similar to the one in the third quarter quell. However, once it reached the forest and began shriveling up trees over one hundred feet tall and reducing them to nothing more than a pile of twigs in mere seconds, I knew that I couldn't afford to screw around.

This fog would crush up my body unforgivingly, just as a hydraulic press would with a metal can.

That vision alone got my feet moving faster than they ever have before.

At this point in the games, I can no longer be greedy with kills. Knowing how the game makers work, they're likely sending in these attractions to narrow down the arena and push us all closer together. Once that moment comes, then I will strike whoever crosses my path.

For now though, I have to be vigilant and focus on making it out of here alive.

The fog is slow moving, but there's no telling which direction it will push me in. I just need to stay as far ahead of it as I can.

It started when I had made camp around the beach area after the feast. When the blood rain hit, I found cover in a nearby cave at the end of the beach just under a large cliff. After it stopped and the blood disappear all together, I went back to the spot I originally claimed, and that's when the earthquake struck. From where I was, the water had started bubbling furiously, and in the distance I saw the fog begin to creep in closer to the shore.

Clearly, I knew better than to let it come near me. I backed up into the forest but kept my eye on it. As soon as I was deep enough in the forest to see the first signs of trees falling to the ground one by one, shriveling up to a decomposed nothingness once the fog had reached it, that's when the full weight of its destruction hit me.

I can only assume that the fog will continue to cover and destroy the arena until it corners us all together.

If I had to guess, I'd say by now that the fog has reached the halfway point. I passed by the edge of the abyss where the first bloodbath was not too long ago, which means that the fog is definitely sending us all to the same side.

But the question is where? Back to the maze ruins? Or are they sending us to another feast just like yesterday? And exactly how much of the arena will the fog cover?

Before I can think too hard about the possibilities, I barely manage to hear the familiar sound of an arrow whizzing by. I instinctively duck backwards, launching myself to the ground right as the arrow flies by.

I barely have enough time to scramble back up when another arrow is shot, this time landing in the back of my shoulder. I holler, trying to rip it out when all of a sudden a I hear a lout shout and a weight lands on top of me.

A scream tears through my throat while the two of us hit the ground and tumble over each other, trying to gain control. My dagger is sheathed around my belt, but my arms are stuck to the side, preventing me from getting it out.

Fortunately for me, I land on top of Artemis' body when we stop rolling. I don't think twice before landing a hard punch to her gut. She wheezes, but is quick to shoot herself up, head butting me hard.

The Supreme Games - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now