|66| Finalist Interviews - Part 4

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Aurelia Tempersmith's P.O.V.

"Alright everyone, settle down! It's time for our final interview of this year's Fourth Annual Quarter Quell!" The crowd aws and I give them a feign pouty face.

"Yes I know, it's been fun getting to know the tributes. But now, it's finally time to interview our last five finalists! Everybody give it up for Brooklyne Archer, Titus Purdom, Bo Aspen, Snow Tempest and Isaac Novak!"

The crowd cheers with whatever energy they have left in them as the tributes strut onto the stage. Most of them just smile and wave to the people.

"Please, take a seat!" The duo from 10 looks confident and ready to kill, as usual. Isaac is beaming like he normally does. The other two look a bit uncomfortable.

"Welcome back you five! I must say, you had a pretty interesting time in the arena, am I right?"

"Oh, that was nothing," Brooklyne waves her hand in the air. "I wish I had gotten more kills, but I guess I'm pretty satisfied with what I got."

"Let me say, you and Titus were both very fierce competitors, and you didn't lack anything while you were in the arena. Did you find out what you got in your bag from the feast?"

"We both got body armor but it's not like we really needed it. Nobody would've been able to take us down and we weren't able to use it since the games ended during the feast." She replies.

"That is very true. Do you think you would've needed it to fend for yourself against those lions if they attacked you?"

"Eh, not really. I would be able to take them out from a mile away. Those lions weren't scary, anyway." I give her a tight lipped smile as my eye twitches.

"Let's move onto your new alliance. From what we've heard, you allied with Velvet and Princeton from District 1 and Chance from District 6. Which one of you five is the leader?"

She rolls her eyes and groans loudly. "It's Velvet," she murmurs, "I think it should be me since I'm obviously stronger and can fight better than her. Did you see how many times she was wounded in the first games? It's pathetic, she can't even handle twelve year olds."

"If all that is true, then why did you decide to ally with them? Don't you think they'll bring you down with them?"

"They might, but in the end it'll be worth keeping them alive so I can battle against her myself. See who's really made to win these games." The audience erupts in applause.

"Do you think that you'll manage to get any kills knowing that you're fighting against people who have the same chance of winning as you?"

She snorts. "People having the same chance of winning as me? Ha! That's really funny, I know that I'll be the one to win this thing. And of course, I'll be the one making kills! I expect to kill at least half of the tributes, if not more."

Wow, this girl is ambitious. And irritating.

"You definitely have high standards for yourself! I wish you good luck in the games!"

"I don't need luck, but thanks anyway." My eye twitches again.

"Moving onto Titus! Are you ready for the Supreme Games, hun?"

"Absolutely, without a doubt. I'm prepared for anything." He simply replies.

"Great! So Titus, if you win the games—"

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