|43| Interviews D9 & D10

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Aurelia Tempersmith's P.O.V.

"Welcome back! For all of you that are making your way to your seat, be sure you get there quickly! District 9 is beginning right now! We have Skylar Terran, Misty Jisondo, Candace Cunninghan, Astrid Faintree and Jakob Rowan! Come on out guys!"

They all walk out, all of the girls are wearing very cute dresses and Jakob is wearing a nice, dark blue tux. They all look so innocent, but I know that most of them are currently experiencing true hatred towards the games, most likely the older girls.

"Welcome you five!" I say as they sit down.

"Let's begin with the youngest one, Skylar! How did you feel when you were reaped? I noticed that you weren't crying like most young people would."

"To be honest, Aurelia, I kind of knew that I was going to get picked. It runs in my family." Her voice is so high-pitched and sweet. She doesn't belong here, not in these treacherous games.

"Well that's definitely something! Bravery will be key in the arena."

"Yeah, I suppose so."

"Some people may have noticed this already, but you definitely do not not look your age. You look much younger. Does the fountain of youth run in your family, too?" I ask.

She sighs. "I was born with a heart defect. It keeps my body from growing normally, so I'm a twelve year old stuck in an eight year old's body, but I've gotten used to it."

Now that is truly saddening. I can't help but pity this girl. I wish President Snow had a heart defect too, only with a knife sticking out of it.

"Thanks Skylar, you're a very brave girl."

She gives me an award winning smile. "Thank you very much."

"Hmm, who should I pick on next? How about Candace! So Candace, you're known pretty well already. People loved your fiery attitude during the reaping! Do you have any special talent with a weapon to go along with your fierce attitude?"

She laughs at my question. "No, I'm afraid not. But I'd like to try a variety of weapons during training."

"Very good! Do you think you have the potential to make it to the top twelve?"

"I think I have a pretty good chance. If Astrid and I can master a weapon, we'll be unstoppable in that arena."

"Nice! Now since you brought Astrid up, let's move onto her. Astrid! I must say, I am very jealous of your hair!"

She gives a small chuckle. "I guess it's alright. But the curls are constantly tangled up in knots." I laugh, along with the audience.

"Astrid, do you plan on joining any other alliances with Candace? Or will it just be the two of you?"

"We've decided that we only want it to be us two. Having a lot of people would slow us down, and it would be harder to hide and keep quiet."

"You've certainly got a point there! What are you going to do in preparation for the games?"

"Like Candace said, I want to try different weapons during training, and find one I'm good at. I'll also probably go to the survival station. I don't want to end up like that girl from District 5 who died from nightlock."

"That's an excellent idea! I'm excited to see you in training!" She gives a small smirk and crosses one of her legs over the other.

"Next up is Jakob! Hello son, how are you doing on this fine night?"

"I'm okay, I guess."

"Good good! Obviously, you're the only boy in your alliance! How do you feel about that?"

The Supreme Games - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now