|37| Reaping D13

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Chad's P.O.V.

As I take my anger out on one last dummy with my sword, I groan in frustration.

Really? Lucius is going to have District 13 go into the games?

If you ask me for my opinion on this, I will probably punch the closest thing next to me. There's a reason why our ancestors rebelled against the Capitol! And with five people from District 13 entering the games, how can you be so sure that we won't say anything that will cause madness to corrupt?

After the failed rebellion twenty-five years ago, Katniss disappeared and no one knows what happened to her. District 13 was discovered as not being extinct, but everything proceeded as normal. They continued the games on the 76th year and District 13 went on to being forgotten again.

District 13 is relatively small, but we're slowly growing in size. We all live in the underground buildings. Of course we hunt in the forest and whatnot, but we like to keep ourselves hidden. We are also forced to train, adults and kids alike, incase the time comes again.

I'm in the training room, practicing extra hard incase my name gets pulled from the bowl. Lucius Snow himself will be our escort. Kind of. He will have an army of peacekeepers behind him, making sure we don't do anything we'll regret later.

I have a feeling—no, I know that the gamemakers will be rough on District 13 in the arena.

You know, it's not like we started a rebellion or anything.

I'm not going to lie, everyone who trains here is pretty much a master at their assigned weapon. We get assigned only one weapon based on strength, balance, and precision.

Feeling a bit tired, I decide to give up on training for today. I hear an announcement as I'm walking out of the room—

"Reaping in one hour."

Rolling my eyes, I make my way to the elevator. My apartment is very small. I live with both of my parents and my younger brother and sister, but I'm not complaining. Here in District 13, we learn how to be content with what we have, and I am.

My parents are very good at throwing knives. They've been training with them ever since they were ten. My brother, Chase, is just learning how to use a spear. My little sister, Cate, is learning how to wield a dagger. They're catching on pretty quickly, but honestly it probably runs in the family.

As soon as I enter my apartment, I see a knife whizzing towards me from the corner of my eye, so I duck on reflex. It gets lodged in the wall. I straighten my back and yank it out. When I turn around to see my mom glaring at me, I deadpan.

"Chad! How many times do I have to tell you to put down the toilet lid after you pee?"

I groan. "Mom! I don't have the greatest memory here! Plus, I wanted to train early."

She rolls her eyes at me. "Do you know how disgusting it is for me to have to pull the lid back down? It's not a very lady-like thing of me to do!"

"Oh, and throwing a knife at your child is?"

"Whatever, brat."

I laugh. Gotcha.

"I'll meet you the reaping. Do me a favor and kill Lucius while you're there." she yells from the kitchen.

Chuckling, I respond, "I'll do my best."


Charlotte's P.O.V.

"That's another point for me, I believe." My brother groans, knowing that I'll defeat him in our sword throwing contest.

"Lottie! That's no fair! You're too close to the target!" He whines.

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