|64| Finalist Interviews - Part 2

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Aurelia Tempersmith's P.O.V.

"Welcome back everybody! Hurry and find your seats, because now it's time for the next group! Give a warm welcoming to our next six tributes—Mia Moore, Elsie Glinderin, Coral Reigner, Emerald Aster, Kristoffer Marins, and Artemis Natorai!"

The crowd goes crazy as the five girls and one guy walk onto the stage. They give their best award winning smiles and wave to the audience.

"Please, have a seat!" The two lovebirds share the love seat while the others make themselves comfortable on the couch.

"It's great to see all of you again! The Capitol surely missed you, am I right folks?" The audience cheers and hollers in agreement.

"Okay, how about I start with the Capitol's favorite couple! From District 4, Emerald and Kristoffer!" They hold each others hands and smile.

"I'd like to go all the way back to the reaping. What was going through your mind when your escort called both of you onto the stage?" Kristoffer's face saddens, but he remains smiling.

"It was absolutely terrifying, my heart almost stopped beating. I was shocked that it happened. I expected to take Em's place, but sometimes things don't always go the way you want it to go."

"It sucked," adds Emerald, "especially since it was the day of my birthday. I honestly don't know what I would do if I lost him." She says, referring to her lover. The crowd aws and I put a hand over my heart.

"I have a question for you, Emerald. If it was down to you and Kristoffer in the top two, would you sacrifice yourself for him?"


"I wouldn't let her—"

The two answer simultaneously and stare at each other. Emerald clears her throat.

"Of course I would! I love Kristoffer, and I will do what I need to do to get him out alive."

"No," Kristoffer shakes his head. "I would never let her do such a thing. If anything, I'd sacrifice myself. If she dies, then what do I have to live for?"

"What about me? If you die then I wouldn't want to live either!" This has quickly turned into a much more personal conversation between the two, and I allow it to go on for a bit.

"Why would you even think about killing yourself for me? I wouldn't be able to live with myself!" Kristoffer's voice raises in the slightest.

Emerald now has a few tears running down her face. "I don't want to lose you..." Kristoffer immediately wraps his arms around her body as she holds her face in her hands. A few people in the crowd beginning crying along with them.

"How sweet of the both of you!" I give them some time to calm down. "So, have you guys decided whether or not you want allies?"

"No, we don't think so. We're going to stick together, just the two of us. It is the Supreme Games, so trusting others isn't an option." Kristoffer responds.

"It'll be safer with just the two of us." Emerald adds.

"I suppose it will be! Thank you both!" They smile, looking a bit relieved.

"Next up is Coral Reigner, also from District 4! I hope you've been alright since your games ended."

"Eh, I've been better, but I can manage." I nod in understanding. It must've been tough losing her sister.

"Coral, have you decided on any allies yet? Or are you flying solo?"

She smiles in return. "Actually, I have made a small alliance with two other people." I notice the crowd's excitement beginning to kick in.

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