|60| Recovery

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Winter's P.O.V. (D7)

"It's okay, Miss. You're going to be alright."

What? Wait, where am I?

"Her wounds are pretty bad. Do you think she'll heal in time?"

Wounds? Are they talking about me?

"Of course you idiot! This is Capitol medicine! She'll be better before tomorrow comes."

I try to see who's speaking, but I only see darkness. I can't open my eyes. But what am I feeling? Some sort of cotton?

"Did you see that?" asks a voice. "I think she's responsive."

"Winter," A male voice calls out, "You've made it through the games. We're still on the helicopter, but we're doing our best to heal your wounds before we get to the Capitol. If you understand, squeeze my hand."

I squeeze the nothingness in my hand.

"Very good. While you were still in the arena, you took a pretty rough beating from your competition. But don't worry, we'll have you fixed in no time. Just try to relax."

Try to relax.

"Don't worry, Levi made it though as well. He's waiting for you outside the door. We'll let him visit once you're awake. So for now, just go back to sleep. We'll be in the Capital in no time."

I let my hand go limp and the voices begin to fade out.

I made it through.


Melody's P.O.V. (D13)

"Excuse me, ma'am," I clear my throat rudely, "But what is this?"

"Is it poisoned?" Chad butts in.

The lady in white furrows her eyebrows. "Have you never heard of hot chocolate before?" I tilt my head as these foreign words spill out of her mouth.

She sighs, looking a bit tired. "It's a Capitol delicacy. You should be lucky that you get to drink it at all."

"Okay but...is it poisoned?" Chad asks once again.

The lady huffs and pulls her hair into a bun. "Look kids, if you don't want it then I'll take it back. But let me tell you, you two are awfully lucky to be here. The President wasn't happy with the game makers for letting you two out so easily, but if he wanted you dead, do you think he'd have us kill you after you've been announced as winners?"

"You never know what he'll do. He could say it was an accident." I shrug my shoulders.

The lady rubs her face with her dainty hands and groans into them. She then takes both of our cups and takes a sip from each one.

"Ew, what'd you do that for?" Chad complains. She rolls her eyes.

"To prove that it isn't poisoned. Now drink up and take a nap or whatever. It's a long way back to the Capitol." And with that she leaves our room.

Chad shrugs his shoulder and take a sip of his—his—hot cacao cup, or something like that. His eyes automatically light up.

"It's good! And it's not poisoned, I don't think."

The Supreme Games - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now