|72| The Supreme Games: Day 2 - Part 1

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Melody's P.O.V. (D13)

After running out of energy from screaming at the top of my lungs and stabbing the ground with my dagger, I slump back against a tree and sigh defeatedly.

At least my cousin made it out of the bloodbath alive. Snow is definitely a fighter, and I know for a fact that it runs in our genes. Even though there's no hope for me, there may be some for her.

I twirl a strand of my hair, unsure of what to do. If only Chad were still here, I'd have a plan. But now that I'm alone—completely alone—I don't know what I can do.

Everything is deathly silent for a moment until I hear a knife whiz past my head, lodging itself into the tree trunk right next to my ear. I launch up from my spot and whip out my weapon, protecting my front and glancing around for tributes.

"Who's there?" I shout out to no one in particular. I don't let my guard down as I walk around slowly, searching for the person who threw the knife. When no one responds I shout out again, more firmly and aggressively.

"Show yourself!"

"You're the rebel from District 13, aren't you?" I turn around so quickly that my neck nearly snaps off. Behind me is a small girl, twirling a knife in her hand by the blade. She doesn't look scared in the slightest but rather amused, eyeing me up and down not so discreetly. With a small smirk, she tucks away the knife in her belt. I lower my dagger slightly as one question pops up in my head.

How'd she sneak up on me like that?

No one back home has ever been able to get within a ten foot radius of me without me knowing.

"You were in the first games with me, weren't you?" I ask her. She nods her head and sits down, leaning against the same tree where I was.

"I'm Misty, District 9." She tells me, "I couldn't find my allies after the bloodbath. You know the other tribute from 7, Sapphire? And the rebel from 3, Mia?"

"Yeah," I respond quietly, "I know Sapphire. And I've heard of Mia—her and her group were all a rebellious little bunch. I knew I liked her from the first time I met her." I laugh. Misty grins, obviously agreeing.

"Here's the thing, I got separated from them after the bloodbath. That career wannabe from 10, Brooklyne, was manically trying to decapitate me around the cornucopia so I had no choice but to leave. I figured since I'm already a part of the rebel group, you're from a rebel district, and we both hate the careers and these games in general..." she trails off, a smirk returning to her lips. "I was wondering if you wanted to team up? Just until I find my group."

I think long and hard about this. Chad is gone and I have no one left. This girl, Misty, seems to show promise. The thing is, whoever I team up with will face the wrath of the game makers with me. Am I willing to put her through that?

"You do know who I am, right?" I ask the girl, raising my eyebrow. She nods her head.

"If I didn't, that knife would've landed in your head, not the tree trunk."

My admiration for her increases a bit.

"You do know that if you team up with me, you'll most likely be walking straight into your imminent death?" A 'pfft' noise escapes her lips and she rolls her eyes.

"You think I care about that? Why do you think I joined the rebel group in the first place?" she questions. When I can't think of a response, she continues.

"I know who you are, and I know that you want revenge. Well, so do I. So how about it, allies?" Misty sticks out her hand, and I surprisingly find myself reaching out to shake it.

The Supreme Games - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now