|54| The Games: Day 2

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Blue's P.O.V. (D8)

This is absolutely horrible.

Ash and I watched the fallen tributes last night only to discover that the rest of our alliance died in the bloodbath. Now, it's only down to the two of us.

Now what? Neither of us know how to fight very well, not to mention that our only weapons are two tiny knives.

I groan and rub my eyes. I'm guessing it's around five in the morning. The sun is just barely starting to peel through the horizon. Last night was so humid, the air was sticky and hot and full of mosquitoes swarming in my face. I mean, I guess it's better than the cold, but still, we barely have any water.

"Hey," Ash croaks, starting to wake up, "Did anyone else die last night?" I shake my head no. He groans and stretches his arms. It's a miracle we didn't fall out of this tree, especially with no rope.

He begins climbing down, and I stare at him confused. "Where are you going?" As soon as he's halfway down, he jumps to the bottom and shakes his hands.

"C'mon, we need to find water." I mentally groan in annoyance as I begin my descent.

"Be careful climbing down, there's a few slippery spots!" He warns me.

I laugh. "Oh wow! So dangerous!"

I eat my words immediately. As soon as I take my next step down, I lose my footing and begin to fall. I shriek in surprise, falling through the air. I make contact with the ground, and a second later, I begin to lose consciousness.


Candace's P.O.V. (D9)

"Wake up sleepy head! You need breakfast to build up your strength!"

I poke Astrid in the head and she's clearly not amused. She shifts in her sleeping bag, refusing to get up. I yank the end of her sleeping bag off of her and she whines.

"Why do we have to get up now?"

"Because you need to eat! Here!" I toss a pack of dried meat and fruit at her head.

We were very successful raiding the cornucopia last night. We figured out that the dark brown spots on the ground will crumble if someone steps on it, so we avoided them and got a ton of stuff from the inner part of the cornucopia where the good supplies are. We got lots of food, plenty of water, and a few weapons.

"Do you think 10 is hunting right now? You know, for tributes?" she asks me.

I shrug my shoulders. "I dunno. They could be. That's what I heard yesterday, but they probably left this area already, so I think we're good."

She nods her head and eats her food. I think we're doing great so far. We have supplies, we got our rest, and there's no other alliance in sight.

"Do you think the—" I'm suddenly cut off by an ear piercing high pitched scream, coming from the other end of the arena.


Aloe's P.O.V. (D8)

No no no! It's too early in the games to die!

I'm running as fast as my legs can take me. I only have a sword with me, and I don't know how to use it very well, let alone be able to defend myself with it.

I'm absolutely terrified of the three tributes sprinting after me. They all have a crazed, hungry look in their eyes. The fastest one is Titus, and he's gaining on me.

How much longer can I keep running? I won't have enough time to climb a tree and I can't easily outrun them for that much longer.

I decide to scream for help.

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