|49| Capitol Update: Scores

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Cloe's P.O.V. (D8)

"Welcome everybody, to the scorings of Districts 7 through 13!" Aurelia smiles.

"We will begin in a minute, so make sure you don't go anywhere!" Aurelius adds.

"Oh boy," I sigh. Turning to Aloe, I ask, "How do you think you did?"

She shrugs her shoulders. "I guess I could've done better," She takes a sip out of her water bottle. "What about you?"

I groan, sinking further into the couch. "Let's not talk about it." She gives a sad smile, and returns her gaze to the television.

"First up is District 7 with some excellent scores!" Aurelia beams.

"We have—

Winter with a score of 10

Sapphire with a score of 4

Midnight with a score of 7

Ben with a score of 7

Levi with a score of 9

Very good for District 7 overall! What do you think, Aurelius?" she asks her brother.

He laughs. "Very good indeed! Next up is District 8!"

Here we go.

"We have—

Aloe with a score of 6

Cloe with a score of 4

Ivan with a score of 8

Blue with a score of 4

Vincent with a score of 2

A little rough for some of them!"

I groan again, violently rubbing my eyes. "Could've done better my ass." I mutter to Aloe.

"Next we have District 9! We have—

Skylar with a score of 3

Misty with a score of 10

Astrid with a score of 7

Candace with a score of 9

Jakob with a score of 6

Not too shabby!"

"Especially for Misty!" Aurelius says. "I swear, she did pretty darn good for a thirteen year old!"

"Well that's great news for her! Now moving on to District 10. We have—

Isabelle with a score of 3

Brooklyne with a score of 9

Titus with a score of 10

Alexander with a score of 7

Andrew with a score of 4

Pretty good for most of them!" Aurelius says.

"District 11 was also very good for the boys! We have—

Amalia with a score of 2

Marcus with a score of 9

Zeon with a score of 8

Bo with a score of 8

River with a score of 7

Poor Amalia though, she had a really rough time."

"Our second to last district, District 12!" Aurelia smiles.

"Starting with our only girl, we have—

Snow with a score of 4

Ash with a score of 5

Coal with a score of 8

Isaac with a score of 9

Zachary with a score of 1

Very tough for Zachary! Maybe he'll do better in the arena!" I shiver at the mention of his name. He really freaks me out.

"Last is District 13! This one was very tough, we have—

Charlotte with a score of 3

Melody with a score of 1

Chad with a score of 4

Lot with a score of 2

Talon with a score of 3

Yikes! Not very good at all!" Aurelius says to his sister.

That's strange, I remember watching them during training and they did really good! Maybe the nerves got to them or something.

"There you have it, folks! The scores of District 7 through 13! I'm Aurelia—"

"And I'm Aurelius—"

"And this has been your Capitol Update!" They say simultaneously.

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