|15| Training Day 1

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Rust's P.O.V. (D1)

The other careers from my district, District 2, and myself are the only ones here. I wish we didn't have to wait for the other tributes to wake up. Can't we just train already? Crystal is here and she was sick last night! There's no excuse for everyone to be so late.

Slowly but surely the rest begin to flood in. Chance exits the elevator with his district and walks towards us angrily.

"Stupid tributes from my district didn't get up on time so I wasn't allowed to leave." He rolls his eyes. I just nod and wait for the others to arrive. The next ones to exit the elevator is District 3 and right after them is District 4. Finn looked like he was about to murder someone last night so I figure it would be best to leave him alone today.

I can't even flirt with that blonde from 4 because of him! I roll my eyes in annoyance as District 5 enters.

After about three minutes, Atlas comes in and lectures us on what to do and what not to do, so on and so forth. No fighting with one another, make sure to check out the nature station, and other things that go in through one ear and out the other. Right now, I have my eyes focused on the sword and axe station. As soon she's done with her speech and tells us we can begin training, the careers and I dash toward the swords.

Everyone in my district can use a sword except for Crystal. She throws knives and axes. Phoenix from 2 is very good with swords and Tanner can only use an axe. I can't help but scoff. We'll get rid of him immediately during he bloodbath.

I pick up the largest sword and start slashing the dummy. I decapitate it and then drive the blade deep into its chest.

I look at the other tributes from the outer districts attempting to wield a sword. I see the little girl from 5 pick up the lightest sword and she drops it immediately, not able to withstand the weight. I laugh out loud. How pathetic.

Our alliance pack is spread across the room so I decide to try something new. I go over to the bow and arrow station. A few other tributes are here. I see a dark haired girl and Emerald from 4. I remember Velvet saying that she wanted to kill Emerald. Again, who knows why. Personally, I think she's pretty hot. If the other blonde doesn't work out, this one will do.

I see both of them hitting each target directly on the bullseye effortlessly. My temper flares at their precision. I stomp right over there and pick up a bow and an arrow.

"Would you like any help?" the guy at the station asks me.

"No," I snarl. He steps back and I can feel both girls watching me. As I pull the string back, I hear one of them laugh.

"What's so funny?" I snap at her.

The dark haired girl smirks. "You're holding it the wrong way." I growl at her and release the arrow. It goes sailing about four feet away from the target. I mutter a curse and pick up another one.

They continue to shoot one arrow after the next perfectly. I reload and aim at the heart. Once I release, it gets stuck in the foot of the target. Better than last time.

I see Emerald aim at my arrow, releasing her hand from the string. She splits my arrow right in half. I feel my eye twitch as she smiles at me and says, "Good look in the arena." And with that she leaves.

Never mind her. I can feel my hatred for her growing stronger with every second.

Velvet, I think I want this kill.


Noah's P.O.V. (D2)

I don't know where to go. I sort of know how to use a sword, but that station is packed with careers, so I don't bother going there. I guess I'll learn how to make a fire instead.

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