|73| The Supreme Games: Day 2 - Part 2

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Levi's P.O.V. (D7)

I'm going to kill them both.

I told Winter not to risk going to the cornucopia.
I pleaded with her. She promised me she wouldn't. The plan was for me to grab what we needed and for her to hide nearby and regroup with me once I got out.

Clearly, she had other plans.

My body is exhausted from the insistent sobbing, dry heaving, and sprinting away from this god forsaken forest fire. Through everything that's been thrown my way, my mind remains focused on two tasks.

Kill Velvet.

Make Snow suffer.

Anger courses through my veins thinking about the two of them. Velvet may have been the one to end Winter's life, but I will never forgive Snow for being the one to distract her, ultimately getting her killed.

I knew I didn't like her from the start. I warned Winter about her, but her kindness prevailed.

Look at where that got her.

If Snow had never befriended her, Winter would still be alive. She's not the type of person to become careless or let her guard down.

Because of Snow, the love of my life is gone forever.

Crying out in grief and rage, I throw my axe into the nearest tree with all my might. It connects with the trunk, getting lodged in so deep that I can't see anything other than the handle sticking out.

My chest heaves up and down, hands shaking and sweat dripping down my back. It does nothing to soothe the burning red anger coursing through my veins.

I single handedly yank the axe out, wood chips flying out of the trunk. Taking a deep breath, I channel my anger into one cohesive thought.

Kill Velvet, make Snow suffer.

Allowing myself just one more moment of self pity and despair, I switch off any and all distracting emotions whirling through my mind.

Let my grief turn into rage, and my rage turn to wrath.

I will make them pay.


Isaac's P.O.V. (D12)

"Snow I'm fine, trust me."

The girl in front of me deadpans, clearly not believing a single word that falls out of my mouth. She responds by applying more pressure to the burn wound on my leg. I grit my teeth and wince, trying not to make a noise.

"Fine my ass," she murmurs angrily, "Isaac, you were already badly wounded coming out of the cornucopia and now you can barely walk 'cause of the damn fire balls. This was obviously at the hands of the game makers." She begins to fret, rummaging through our pack for the third time to search for medicine that isn't there.

Yes, her and I were in fact attacked by fire balls that were shot out of thin air. It's strange though, since we weren't in the vicinity of the forest fire. Her and I have been camping out close to the edge of the arena where there's a beach. Before we knew it, fire started shooting out from the ground and followed our trail for nearly a half hour while we were trying to escape. Snow managed to evade them all, but I was unfortunate enough to take a shot to the leg.

Snow is convinced that they were purposely aiming for me.

Her eyebrows are furrowed, clearly pissed off. "Why did you even go to the bloodbath in the first place?" she exclaims, completely bewildered.

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