|12| D3 Interview

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Aurelia Tempersmith's P.O.V.

So far these interviews have gone alright. I'm just nervous for District 3. What should I do about Mia? Should I ask her simple questions? Or should I just ignore her completely?

I start biting my blue polished nails to calm my anxiety until I hear, "We're on in one minute!" I take a deep breath and strut on stage, faking my best smile.

"Welcome back everyone! How are you doing so far?" The crowd whistles and cheers to their hearts content.

"Next up is District 3, a very interesting mix. Let's give it up for Elsie Glinderin, Summer Ramsay, Mia Moore, Chip Sanders and Beetee Gideon!"

The tributes walk on stage in a single file line while waving to the audience. Once they're seated, I begin. "Let's start with Beetee! So Beetee, how're you liking the Capitol so far?"

"Well, I have to say its pretty amazing! It's really big. Even though it's nice and all, I still prefer it in District 3. That's my home."

"What is your favorite thing in the Capitol so far?" I ask.

"I have to say the food. We never get anything like it back home!" he replies.

"I can't blame you! The food is pretty good if I say so myself!" I reply, the audience clapping in agreement.

"Moving onto Summer! So Summer, during the reaping, you weren't crying like most people would be. Why not?"

"To be honest Aurelia, I'm really not afraid of the games. Everyone has to die at some point during their life, right? And I have a few tricks up my sleeve to assure my survival."

"Can you share it with us? I bet everyone is dying to hear it." I pry.

She chuckles. "You'll see during training. Trust me, you'll be surprised." Then she winks at the audience. The audience goes absolutely feral. I take a glance at Mia. She's just looking around, swinging her legs. If she behaves herself, I might ask her a few simple questions.

"Next we have Chip Sanders! So Chip, do you think you'll be able to survive in the arena? What do you plan to do to keep you and your district partners alive?" I ask him.

"I know how to set up very good traps so nobody will notice a thing. I use explosives, since I come from District 3. I've practically been practicing with them since I could walk."

"That's very impressive! What weapons do you plan on trying out?"

"Hm..." he trails, "I would like to try out a spear. Maybe throwing knives."

"Very good, Chip! Can't wait to see you in that arena!" I encourage him. He nods.

"Next up, Elsie Glinderin!"

"Quiet already! I'm on!" she whisper-yells.

"Were you talking to me?" I curiously ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Oh no, it's nothing." she replies quickly with a surprised look.

"Elsie, we have seemed to notice that you talk to yourself. Would you like to explain?" I question.

"Well, I g-guess that I get lonely sometimes. So I j-just talk to myself I guess." She replies shakily.

"Hmm, okay then," I'm not quite sure if she's telling the truth or not, but I decide to move on.

"So Elsie, do you have any skills with weapons?" I ask.

"I'm only good at handling a knife, but I'm pretty sneaky and quick. I have the brains."

"I would assume so! Knowing that you come from District 3!" I say.

"Yeah, I guess so." she mutters.

I take a chance to look over at Mia. She immediately turns her head to look at me directly in the eyes. Her stare is cold and her icy blue eyes makes the hatred crystal clear. I didn't know a twelve year old could be this intimidating.

She glares at me but I see a hint of something else besides hatred. I see pity. Perhaps pity on me that I have to do these interviews? I decide not to ask her anything.

"Well folks, there you have it! District 3's very own Elsie Glinderin, Summer Ramsay, Mia Moore, Chip Sanders and Beetee Gideon!" The crowd cheers yet again.

"We will take another thirty minute break. Make sure you come back in time to see District 4's interviews!"

I walk off stage in the direction where District 3 exited. I try to find Mia, but it's crowded with a bunch of stylists, mentors, and tributes. I finally catch a glimpse of her in her dark blue dress.

"Mia!" I whisper-yell. She turns to look at me, rolls her eyes, and snaps, "What do you want?" I take her by the shoulder and turn her to a corner where no one will notice us.

"Hey look, sorry for not asking you anything, you know I could get killed if I say the wrong thing." I tell her honestly. She glares daggers at me.

"I don't care, okay? This damn Capitol killed my mother and now I have no one left. Just go and touch up your stupid makeup or whatever it is you Capitol freaks do." She starts to walk away but I grab her arm and bring her back.

"Hey, I know what you're going through. I don't want to do this. My brother and I are forced to do this or else if we don't, President Snow will kill our father. And he means the world to us."

"Why should I care?" she responds with crossed arms and a bored look. I hesitate before saying what I'm about to say. Only my brother and I know what really happened. I sigh.

"President Snow killed our mother during last years hunger games. My cousin lived in District 1 and he died in the games. He didn't even volunteer. He looked like an average District 1 person but he didn't know how to fight. He died in the top ten by the other careers.

"My mom was crushed, as he was her favorite nephew. She killed many peacekeepers out of anger, including one of President Snow's sons. But she was outnumbered, so the remaining peacekeepers captured her and brought her to Snow. President Snow tortured her, repeatedly beat her until she finally bled to death. He told my brother and I that if we didn't partake in next year's hunger games, he would kill our father."

I take a deep breath and exhale a shaky breath. I look at Mia's face which displays a mixture of shock, pity, and anger.

"Now, only my brother and I know about this. And now I have told you. You have to swear not to tell anybody about this, got it?" She nods and crosses her heart. She looks down at the ground with guilt.

"I'm—" she bites her lip. "I'm sorry."

"Hey, that's alright. Remember, I'm on your side, not his. Now I want you to walk away from me pretending to be pissed, alright?"

She nods, walks away and rolls her eyes. Then she turns around and sticks her tongue out at me. When she puts it back in her mouth, she winks at me and walks away. I stand up and get myself together. I haven't even noticed that I had been whispering the whole time.

As I walk into my dressing room, my blood turns to ice as I see the devil himself standing in front of my mirror with a disappointed look on his face.

"We need to talk."

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