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Snow's P.O.V.

I hate him. I hate him. I hate him.

I hate my name. I hate the hunger games. I hate my mother's father. I hate my grandfather. Can you guess who?

That's right, it's President Lucius Snow himself.

You're probably wondering why I hate him, right? I can assure you that the reason I hate him is not because of the hunger games.

Well, it's not the main reason anyway.

My name is Snow Tempest. My father is, or was, Michael Tempest. My mother is Diane Tempest. When I was born, my mother named me Snow because it was her maiden name. We used to live in District 1 where we never worried about starving or being sent into the hunger games since there were always volunteers. I was living a perfectly happy life until I was eight.

I was having a family reunion with my dad's side of the family. It was my grandpa's sixtieth birthday. My father, my Uncle Mitch, and my uncle's wife, Mindy, went to the local bakery to buy a cake. My father forgot his money at home, so he rushed back to get it, but my uncle said not to worry about it, that he'd pay for the cake. So, my father just walked back home. My Uncle Mitch and Aunt Mindy were playing around with the icing at the store, and they ended up with icing all over their faces and hands. As they bought the cake, they walked outside the bakery, shared a kiss, and skipped back home.

A few days after the reunion, I heard screaming coming from outside my house. We lived very close to the town square, so I rushed out of my house to see what was going on.

Making my way through the crowd, I was petrified with what I saw. I saw my father, chained up against a wall, being whipped to death by peacekeepers. There were chunks of his body everywhere and he was an overall bloody, broken mess. I was shocked that he was still alive.

I ran up to him, but not before a peacekeeper whipped me in the face. I laid on the ground, begging for them to stop. My father was always a good man. He didn't deserve to die like that. He didn't deserve to die at all.

He ended up dying from blood loss soon after. My mother stared in shock, my aunt and uncle looked like zombies. I was a wreck to say the least.

I didn't understand why they did that to him until a few days later, when a peacekeeper came to our house.

After my aunt and uncle exited the bakery that day, there was a group of peacekeepers nearby, gossiping about what they were seeing. We were an extremely well known family, having a connection to the president and all. They thought my uncle was my dad, and therefore, they thought my dad was cheating on my mom.

They took word to President Snow, my grandfather, and he ordered for my dad to get whipped to death in front of the whole town.

My father never cheated on my mother. They mistakenly took my uncle as my dad. They were identical twins.

Ignoring my mother's command, I demanded to see the president himself. Since the peacekeepers couldn't deny my request, they took me to the Capitol and escorted me to his room.

My grandfather told me what my father did. Of course I knew he was lying. I knew everything that had happened. He said he "pitied" my mother and I for having such a terrible husband and father, and I said I pitied that he was such a despicable human being. After I told him the truth, he just laughed at me and said, "Your father was always dead to me anyway."

I punched him. I screamed at the top of my lungs. I pulled at his hair, kicked his shins, anything to let my anger out. Of course, the peacekeepers rushed in and immediately brought me back to District 1.

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