|13| Interviews D5 & D6

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Aurelia Tempersmith's P.O.V.

"Welcome back everyone! I hope you had a good break!" My eyelids feel extremely heavy and I just want to go back to my mansion and sleep. Unfortunately, that won't be an option for the next several hours.

"Next up is our all girl district, District 5! Let's give it up for Katerina Aspen, Pepper Glassgo, Artemis Natorai, Hope Caverly and Cassidy Vogel!"

The crowd claps and cheers for them, but not as loud as they were for the previous districts.They all take a seat and I decide to ask Katerina the first question.

"So Katerina, just like Summer from District 3, you weren't crying when you came on stage. Why?"

"Well Aurelia, I don't really know the answer to that question. I guess I stay positive? I don't think of the negative things,"

"Well that's certainly good to hear! What are you planning to do in order to survive?" I ask.

"I plan on staying near a water source and sticking with my allies until the end." she answers humbly.

"Good plan! Thank you Katerina!" The crowd claps respectfully for her and I move onto Hope.

"Hope, you certainly impressed me when you were reaped! Why didn't you join the career pack? I mean, you did say that you fight like a career." The crowd remains silent for her answer.

"I didn't ally with them because I don't trust them. I mean, c'mon! Haven't you noticed that almost every year the careers turn against each other? Plus, I think that most of the careers this year are jerks." she scoffs. Well, I can't blame her.

"That's true, but you would have a better chance of survival if you stick with them, right?" I say.

She laughs. "I could, but I'm not gonna risk getting killed in my sleep." The crowd nods in agreement. So do I.

"Thank you, Hope. Moving onto Cassidy! So Cassidy, there have been rumors that you and Mr. Jess Sisti have a little romance thing going on, is it true?"

"Just because he's my ally doesn't make him my boyfriend. But I guess you could say we're something like that." Her cheeks turn red. Someone from the crowd screams "I knew it!" and the audience chants their names.The camera zooms in on Jess but he just smiles proudly. Cassidy smiles back.

"So, it's official that you guys are in a relationship?" I ask her.

"Well, it's more of a love-hate relationship. He gets annoying at times but yes, you could say I love him." she says. I guess not even the hunger games can prevent kids from rushing into these things.I resist the urge to roll my eyes. The crowd however hollers their names again and they both turn best red on the cameras.

"Thanks, Cassidy! Can't wait to see you in training!" She smiles and I continue.

"Artemis, we saw that you volunteered before the games started. Were you that excited to be in it?" I asked her. She smirks with a crazed look. My eyes widen in realization at my blunder.

"Actually, I didn't volunteer. I was forced into the games." There's unrest in the crowd.

"The stupid peacekeeper was gonna kill me so I killed him! And I was gonna volunteer anyways so it wouldn't have mattered." she says. Her eyes tells me that she's lying. She turns to face me me and her smirk slowly fades. She has to know I don't believe her.

"So, what's your favorite thing in the Capitol so far Artemis?" I ask, changing the subject. It seems like she notices what I'm trying to do, so she plays along.

"I like the beds and the showers, I guess," she simply states.

"Do you have any weapons you favor?" I ask.

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