|57| Capitol Update: Day 3

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Aurelia Tempersmith's P.O.V.

"Welcome back everyone! Day three is coming to a close and my my, there were many unexpected deaths today! Let's have a recap of today's events!

The first tribute to die this morning was Ben Knight! This one was shocking to most people, including myself. Before the games started, Ben had a horrible fever and didn't have enough energy to go out with his friends on their day off. Apparently the medicine couldn't heal him, and he died before anyone could properly cure him.

Next up is Talon Falkov from District 13! The game makers sent in a ferocious bear, similar to the one in the first games. The four allies were chased for nearly an hour! Before Talon could stab the bear with his poisonous axe, the bear clawed him deep in the chest.

Soon after Talon was Blue from District 8! He was the only tribute to die from the rabbits. Thinking that they were normal, edible rabbits, he killed one for food. As he was retrieving it, the rabbits jumped at him and began to eat him alive. He eventually died by having his throat ripped out.

Speaking of the rabbits, since they weren't a very big success, we will have something very special for the tributes tomorrow! I will explain it after the recap.

Much later after Blue's death was Candace Cunninghan from District 9! And let me tell you, she did not go down without a fight. Her and her ally, Astrid, tried sneaking up on the District 7 duo, but before she could kill one of them, District 12's very own Snow Tempest tackled her down! They got into their own intense battle—probably the most exciting thing we've seen all day! Candace however got unlucky towards the end when Winter shot an arrow at her neck, resulting in her immediate death.

Just recently, the now-called dynamic duo from District 10, found our biggest alliance consisting of Cloe from District 8, Jakob and Skylar from District 9 and Isabelle from District 10. Jakob was first to die, having a dagger shoved in his forehead by Brooklyne Archer.

After he died, Brooklyne and Titus took Skylar and tied her up to a tree, making sure she couldn't move her arms or legs. They then began to use her as target practice. After taking many knives to the body, Titus finished her off by smacking her skull against the tree she was tied up against.

And that concludes it for today! A total of six deaths!

Now as I mentioned before, the rabbits weren't a total success in the arena today. Therefore, the game makers are preparing a feast for tomorrow. However, it will not be a feast like the first games. Each alliance seems to be in need of something, so this is what's going to happen.

At the crack of dawn tomorrow, we will announce to the tributes what will be happening later on that day. The feast will not begin until the evening, but we will give them some time to plan out their strategies. From the time they wake up to the beginning of the feast, they will still have the ability to hunt each other, as everyone has been doing so far.

There are still seven tributes left to die until we have our top twelve. There will most likely be battles during the feast, so make sure to keep watching! If seven tributes do not die by the end of tomorrow, then there will be a day five. We also will not allow any sponsor gifts to be sent in during the entirety of day four.

But, there's one more thing! Since the rabbits didn't work, we will put another special attraction into the arena during the feast! Isn't that exciting? You will get to vote on what you want to be sent into the arena.

1.) Jabberjays — These bird mutts are designed to trap a tribute—or tributes—in a small, confined space while they mimic the voices of any family or friends who are close to them. It will cause them to go crazy for a bit, depending on how strong their relationship is with the people that the birds are mimicking.

2.) Lions — If you choose to send in these animals, we will only be sending in a maximum of four since they're extremely dangerous, fast, and hard to kill.

3.) Again, you will have the choice of blood rain. It may be interesting to watch battles going on while blood pours down, so definitely keep this one in mind!

That's it for now! Don't forget to vote! I'm Aurelia Tempersmith, and this has been your Capitol Update."


Recap of Day 3 Deaths:

-Ben Knight, District 7

-Blue Saffron, District 8

-Jakob Rowan, District 9

-Skylar Terran, District 9

-Candace Cunninghan, District 9

-Talon Falkov, District 13

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