|30| Capitol Update: Winners

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Aurelia Tempersmith's P.O.V.

"Good evening, Panem! And welcome back!" I exclaim to the camera.

"Today was finally the last day in the arena! And boy, how exciting it was! Our first death today was Beetee Gideon. Velvet from District 1 tortured him to his death. She first yanked out the knife in his side from the second bloodbath, carved around his face, and then stabbed him multiple times across his body. He died from blood loss.

The final death was Hope Caverly from District 5! Her death was probably the most exciting by far. She was killed by Artemis Natorai, shockingly from the same district! Artemis shot an explosive arrow in her chest and then she exploded into beautiful fireworks! How interesting was that!"

I'm honestly disgusted. I can't blame Artemis for killing her, since she didn't know who she was shooting in the darkness of the arena. I could tell she was aiming for the back of Velvet's head, but she had ducked out of the way unknowingly. But that fact that the Capitol people loved something as gruesome as that? I shake the thought out of my head.

"Our twelve victors will compete in the Supreme Games a few months after the second hunger games is finished. So they'll have time to go home, watch the second set of tributes, and train for the Supreme Games!

Well, that concludes it for today, folks! Don't forget to watch District 7's reaping next month! I'm Aurelia Tempersmith, and this has been your Capitol Update."


Recap of Day 5 Deaths:

-Beetee Gideon, District 3

-Hope Caverly, District 5


Winners of the First Games:

-Velvet Stonedale, District 1

-Crystal Rosewell, District 1

-Princeton Sterling, District 1

-Phoenix Blossom, District 2

-Kostas Bauquemare, District 2

-Mia Moore, District 3

-Elsie Glinderin, District 3

-Coral Reigner, District 4

-Emerald Aster, District 4

-Kristoffer Marins, District 4

-Artemis Natorai, District 5

-Chance Bellpoint, District 6

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