|78| Capitol Update: Day 3

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Aurelia Tempersmith's P.O.V.

"Good evening, Panem! And welcome to the end of day three of the Supreme Games! We have had a very exciting day, have we not?"

"Indeed we have, Aurelia!" my brother replies. "And I must say, the attractions today have been a huge success!"

"Yes, they have! I must say, the game makers really outdid themselves this year. Let's begin with a recap of the fallen tributes today, shall we?" I clear my throat and read off the first name.

"The first tribute to perish in the maze earlier today was Phoenix Blossom from District 2. Astrid from District 9 had snuck up on her, first chopping off her ankle from behind and then ultimately beheading her a few minutes later! Can you believe it? Betrayed by a fellow ally and done so in front of their other ally, Crystal! What a show down it was!

The second tribute to die in the maze was Emerald Aster from District 4. I must say, her death was simply the most brutal I've ever witnessed in Hunger Games history! While two maze walls were closing shut, Velvet from District 1 rendered her body useless so that she could hold her head in between the walls, resulting in the walls crushing her entire head to a pulp!

After these two ladies died in the maze, we had Finn Vanderloos and Candace Cunningham enter back into the games! How exciting was that? Did you all expect these two tributes, or were you hoping for someone different to be revived? Either way, they have both survived the day and definitely show promise! Let's see how they make the most out of their second chance.

The next death today was on the ship—Chance Bellpoint from District 6! This one was definitely a shock to most people. Chance got into a brawl with Snow from District 12, but when he had her near checkmate, she managed to trick him by pushing him into the hands of hungry zombies while simultaneously saving herself. Chance died from the zombies, ultimately having his throat ripped out by one of them.

After Chance was Astrid Faintree from District 9! A little revenge from killing Phoenix, eh? Crystal from District 1, her former ally, was able to push her into an unstable metal railing which fell from the third floor to the lobby of the first floor, the same place where Chance had died! Astrid ultimately died from blood loss while the zombies were feasting on her flesh.

Last but not least is Kostas Bauquemare from District 2. He attempted to betray his ally, Coral from District 4, but before he could throw her into a sea of zombies, she had been saved by none other than our revived tribute, Finn! Finn had thrown a dagger into Kostas' stomach to save Coral. Kostas shortly died afterwards by the zombies.

A total of five tribute deaths today! So far, Districts 2 and 8 have been completely eliminated from this year's hunger games."

"Ah yes, the Capitol citizens seem to be distraught over the loses of these tributes today," Aurelius chimes in, "However, they are all on the edges of their seats with only fifteen tributes remaining!"

"As of right now, most of the tributes have made camp for tonight. Many of them are by themselves, but they all seem to be exhausted after today's activities. Tell me, Aurelius, what can we expect for tomorrow?"

My brother laughs. "Now Aurelia, the game makers are going to keep that a secret for tomorrow. We only have one attraction planned for tomorrow, but it's not one you're going to want to miss, so make sure to tune in!"

"Well, I guess that can't be helped." I laugh. "You heard him folks! Be sure to tune in tomorrow for day four of the Supreme Games! We are more than halfway through! Be sure to vote for who you think is going to come out as the victor! My name is Aurelia—"

"And I'm Aurelius!"

"—and this has been your Capitol Update!"


Recap of Day 3 Deaths:

-Phoenix Blossom, District 2

-Kostas Bauquemare, District 2

-Emerald Aster, District 4

-Chance Bellpoint, District 6

-Astrid Faintree, District 9

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