|08| Lets Be Allies?

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Vanellope's P.O.V. (D6)

I wake up to find myself lying down on a couch with a cool towel acorss my forehead. I'm still in my reaping outfit, aside from my shoes. I hear two or three girls talking, but they all sound unfamiliar. I pretend I'm sleeping and begin to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"When do you think she'll wake up?" asks one.

"I don't know, she's been out for a while," says another in a worried voice.

"I'm just glad her escort let us take care of her," says the third. I suddenly bolt up and practically give myself whiplash.

"What?" I exclaim.

The girls jump out of their seats, looking shocked. Two of them look to be about my age and the other is way older, about sixteen or seventeen. The oldest one takes a step forward and greets me.

"Hi. I'm Hope, this is Pepper, and this is Katerina." She points to each one individually. "We're from District 5. We wanted to ask you if you wanted to become allies with us." I stare at her with a blank expression. They haven't met me but they already want to become allies with me? I barely even know the tributes from my own district! The last thing I remember was Jackson screaming my name...

"So, do you want to be allies?" The red-headed girl asks meekly. I think for a moment. I guess it couldn't hurt to have some allies in the arena.

"Deal." I shake Hope's hand, immediately noticing her firm grip. This could be beneficial, or completely disastrous. She just smirks.



Pearl's P.O.V. (D1)

"Let's discuss our arena strategy." demands Velvet.

We already have a big alliance. We have all of my district, Phoenix and Tanner from District 2, Finn from District 4, and Chance from District 6. It's good that we have a big alliance, but it can be dangerous if there's more careers in the Supreme Games.

"I agree," says Princeton, "We're gonna take over the cornucopia and take out all the little ones during the bloodbath." He flashes an evil smile at the little career from District 2. He just glares in return.

Everyone is into this conversation except for me, Crystal, and Phoenix from 2. I've been watching them closely, and I can tell that they feel just as uncomfortable as I am. I don't feel safe with the other careers, so I want to ask Crystal and Phoenix if they want to ditch the rest of the group in the arena. They seem less bloodthirsty and vicious than the others.

Velvet suddenly speaks up. "I want to take out the princess from 4." Everyone stares at her, confused with her random outburst.

"Uh, why her? You're talkin' 'bout the chick with the eyes, right? She seems weak enough." Rust shrugs.

"I dunno, there's just something about her that I don't like." Velvet mumbles.

"Alright then..." Rust trails off.

"So, what weapons are you guys good at?" Princeton asks.

"Sword, spear, and dagger." The guys from 6 replies almost immediately.

"I'm good at throwing knives and axes." Crystal says. I grimace and squeeze my hands together tightly. I wish she hadn't given that away, but yet again, maybe she actually wants to be a part of the career pack. I don't know who I can trust yet.

"Axe," the little boy from 2 says.

"Anything sharp," says Finn. We all look at him strangely, some of us clearly not believing him based on the judgmental looks thrown around.

The Supreme Games - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now