|77| The Supreme Games: Day 3 - Part 3

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Sapphire's P.O.V. (D7)

God, I swear these zombies are spawning out of thin air because they just don't stop.

As soon as I kill one, two more takes its place.

I had an unfortunate encounter with a zombie that looked exactly like Ben from my district—the one who had died in the previous games. He caught me off guard while I was fending off two others. He ended up grabbing my hand and sinking his teeth into my wrist.

That had to have been nearly two hours ago when the game makers let the zombies loose. The area around my wrist has turned an inky black color, slowly spreading to my surrounding veins, resembling a spiderweb pattern.

Somehow I don't have a great feeling about this.

As I shove my axe into the skull of yet another zombie, a loud alarm goes off and the lights flicker red. The remainder of the zombies go completely silent and still. Simultaneously, their eyes turn from a burning yellow to black before their bodies go limp, falling onto the floor and lying completely motionless.

"Tributes! Congratulations to those of you who have survived the three hours onboard! You have made it to the end of day three! There is currently one hour until midnight, but we have just one more thing in store for you all."

I don't bother holding in a groan.

"There are multiple exits along this ocean liner that we have unlocked. We have also made the upper deck level accessible, which we had previously kept closed off for...emergency purposes."

Emergency purposes?

"The doors will not automatically open and we have not fully unlocked each exit door, hence the reason why we have allowed you to go up to the top level, if needed. Good luck! Your half hour to find an exit begins now before the entire ship submerges!"

"I beg your finest pardon?" I yell at no one in particular. They're giving us a time limit to find an exit and will drown us if we don't? After the day we've had trying not to get crushed by maze walls and eaten by zombies?


I barely have a moment to think before the entire ship begins to furiously shake like an earthquake. I scramble for purchase on the nearest door handle, trying not to fall to the floor. The lights continue to flicker and the alarm starts blaring again as the ship creaks and rumbles and quakes.

Suddenly, I hear a faint BOOM! in the distance and feel the entire ship slowly begin to tilt, causing the unmoving zombies lying on the floor to slide slowly down the hallway. I grip the handle even tighter as my feet slide off the ground.

The whole room is tilted at a thirty degree angle or so. If I let go, I'll end up sliding into the opposite end of the guest room wall. My shoes barely have enough traction to climb up the floor at an upwards incline as is.

"Oh, I also forgot to mention that you will have to navigate your way out while this ship slowly begins to sink into the water! We are replicating the incident this original ship went through when it crashed into an iceberg hundreds of years ago! Isn't it great to preserve history so that we don't forget it?"

I grit my teeth as I lift myself up and out back into the hallway, cradling my bad wrist. I lean my body against the wall and allow gravity to keep me there while I think of what to do next.


Titus' P.O.V. (D10)

I just had to be in the basement level when the game makers decided to blow a hole at the bottom of the ship.

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